Teller Report

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng visited friendly people from Iowa

10/24/2023, 5:37:14 PM

Highlights: Xie Feng is the Chinese ambassador to the U.S. He says the common interests of China and the United States far outweigh their differences. He hopes that the two countries can deepen their understanding of each other's cultures through constant visits. He also wants to promote the "Sino-US People-to-People Friendship Forum" in Washington State, which will be open to the public. The forum will be held at the University of Washington in Washington, D.C., and is open to students from all over the world.

New York, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng recently visited friendly personages in the US state of Iowa. Xie Feng said that the common interests of China and the United States far outweigh their differences, the enthusiasm of the two peoples for exchanges and cooperation has not changed, and there are many American people who are friendly to China.

After visiting the "Sino-US Friendship House" in Maskatine, Xie Feng met with Sarah Randy, Joni Axel, Luca Veron, Dan Stein and other old friends of the Chinese people. He said: At present, many changes have taken place in Sino-US relations, and "political correctness" that is tough on China has spread in some parts of the United States. But I still believe that the common interests of China and the United States far outweigh the differences, the enthusiasm of the two peoples for exchanges and cooperation has not changed, and there are many Americans who are friendly to China. From Des Moines to Mascatine, what I feel most deeply is the people's cherishing and support for Sino-US friendship, and you who are simple, hardworking, warm, and friendly are the true representatives of the United States.

Xie Feng said that Chinese President Xi Jinping cherishes friendship, does not forget old friends, and personally promotes non-governmental exchanges between China and the United States. Since the beginning of this year, President Xi Jinping has sent congratulatory letters to the "Gulingyuan" Sino-US People-to-People Friendship Forum, and also replied to the "US-China Youth Student Exchange Association" in Washington State, as well as friendly people from all walks of life, General Stilwell's grandson Eastbrook, chairman of the US-China Aviation Heritage Foundation and veterans of the Flying Tigers, pointing out that the hope of Sino-US relations lies in the people, the foundation lies in the people, and the future lies in the youth, and conveys the expectation and blessing of hoping that the two peoples will continue to be friendly.

Xie Feng said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the friendship between Iowa and Hebei, and my visit to the hinterland of the United States this time is to inherit the spirit of President Xi Jinping, further promote exchanges and cooperation between China and Iowa and Muscatine City in various fields such as provinces, prefectures and cities, agriculture, culture, education and other fields, starting from small things and practical things, and helping Sino-US relations gradually stabilize and improve, benefiting the two peoples. I heard that you are preparing to renovate the "China-US Friendship House", and I propose to build a virtual friendship house at the same time, which will be presented 360° online with digital technology, so that more people can visit and participate in continuing the story of Sino-US friendship.

American friends present here have expressed their agreement. A world of friendship is a world of peace, Randy said, and that friendship continues when people have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of each other's cultures through constant visits.

Peron said that the friendship between the peoples of the United States and China is real and felt, and it is also solid and deep. Chinese people were not only my friends, but also my brothers, who broadened my knowledge of intercultural friendship. More than ever, we need to pass on friendships and transcend differences.

Stein said that before the epidemic, well-known Chinese art troupes came to Mascatine for many years to bring wonderful theatrical performances to the local people, which is a rare opportunity for a small town in the hinterland of the Midwest and fully reflects the friendship of Chinese people with the American people. Shijiazhuang Wai Chinese School has been sending secondary school students to Iowa for many years, and in a few days a new batch of students will arrive in Des Moines for the World Food Prize Foundation Youth Forum. We will also continue to promote the summer camp for American middle school students to study in China.

Landy presented Xie Feng with his memoir "Old Friend: The Story of Xi Jinping and Iowa." She said that I and some of my old friends here wrote this book for five years to commemorate President Xi Jinping's indissoluble bond with Mascatine and the friendship between Iowa and China. The next chapter of the U.S.-China friendship needs to be written by young people, and I am willing to continue to contribute to promoting U.S.-China exchanges and cooperation and deepening mutual understanding and friendship between young people in both countries. (End)