Teller Report

Small single cornering village, big red post station

10/23/2023, 4:16:49 AM

Highlights: Shanqiu Village was once the "heart" of the Hebei-Luyu Anti-Japanese Base Area. From September 1944 to the fall of 9, it was the location of the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Today, a new pattern of "four halls" (exhibition hall of historical facts of the anti-Japanese War in Hebeo) has been formed here. Shanqiu has also been announced as "the third batch of historical and cultural villages in Henan Province"

Puyang, 10 Oct (Zhongxin Net) -- In the junction of Hebei, Lu and Yu, a small village called "Shanqiu Village" was once the "heart" of the Hebei-Luyu Anti-Japanese Base Area, with original red genes, non-renewable red resources, and rich red traditions. Today, it is a red station that spreads positive energy.

The picture shows the Memorial Hall of the Former Site of the Revolutionary Base Area of Jiluyu Border District located in Shanqiu Village, Qingfeng County. Photo by Liu Peng

The picture shows the text and picture of the "Eighth Route Army advancing to Hebei-Luyu" displayed in the memorial hall. Photo by Liu Peng

Qingfeng County, Henan Province is a national first-class revolutionary old area, and the Memorial Hall of the Former Site of the Revolutionary Base Area of Jilu-Yu Border District is located in Shanqiu Village, Shuangmiao Township, in the county. From September 1944 to the fall of 9, it was the location of the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the Hebei-Luyu Branch of the CPC Central Committee, the headquarters of the Hebei-Luyu Military Region and the First Arsenal of the Military Region.

The picture shows the public visiting the memorial hall. Photo by Liu Peng

It was also the largest anti-Japanese base in the country at that time, and Shanqiu Village was also known as the "hub of the border area" and "the capital of the plains".

The picture shows the cultural and graphic materials of the formation and development of the Jiluyu base area displayed in the memorial hall. Photo by Liu Peng

Recently, when the reporter visited Shanqiu Village in Qingfeng County, he felt that the local atmosphere here is rich and the red atmosphere is solemn. Although it has gone through more than 70 years of vicissitudes, many of the old residences in the village still exist under the careful protection of the people in the old area, maintaining the typical style of northern houses in the late Qing and early Min, and also highlighting the characteristics of the era of architectural culture in the Central Plains.

The picture shows the exterior view of the former site of the Northern Bureau of the Communist Party of China. Photo by Liu Peng

The picture shows the exhibition hall of the memorial hall. Photo by Liu Peng

It is understood that in 2004, Qingfeng County repaired and restored the office site of the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the former site of the Hebei-Luyu Branch of the CPC Central Committee, the former site of the Hebei-Luyu Military Region Headquarters, and some of the old residences. Since 2016, the local area has successively completed the construction and exhibition of the historical facts of the Anti-Japanese War in the border area, the restoration and display of the First Arsenal of the Military Region, a total of more than 20 old revolutionary sites, the restoration and installation of old residences, and more than 30 upgrading projects, such as the Anti-Japanese War Cultural Square. Today, a new pattern of "four halls" (exhibition hall of historical facts of the Anti-Japanese War in Hebei-Luyu Border Area, memorial hall of the Hebei-Luyu Military Region, memorial hall of military historical sites, and folk museum), "group" (a group of old sites composed of 43 old residences), "one" (anti-war cultural square), and "one center" (tourist service center) has been formed here.

The picture shows tourists visiting the memorial hall. Photo by Liu Peng

The Memorial Hall of the Former Site of the Revolutionary Base Area of Jilu-Yu Border District has successively won the national honorary titles of "National Patriotism Education Demonstration Base", "National Key Cultural Relics Protection Unit", "National Red Tourism Classic Scenic Spot", "National AAAA Tourist Scenic Area" and "National Anti-Japanese War Memorial Facility Site". Shanqiu Village has also been announced as "the third batch of historical and cultural villages in Henan Province", "the first batch of characteristic landscape tourism villages in Henan Province" and "the first batch of traditional villages in China". (End)