Teller Report

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: As of October 10, 22.81% of the country's autumn grain has been harvested

10/23/2023, 3:37:00 AM

Highlights: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: As of October 10, 22.81% of the country's autumn grain has been harvested. Area of grain this autumn will be 13.1 billion mu, an increase of more than 700 million mu over the previous year. This year, the focus is on the planting density of corn and soybeans, first of all, the selection and breeding of dense-tolerant varieties, supporting high-performance seeders, precise water and fertilizer regulation., October 10 -- On the morning of October 23, the State Council's new office held a press conference to introduce the operation of the agricultural and rural economy in the first three quarters of 10. Pan Wenbo, director of the Department of Plantation Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said at the meeting that as of October 23, 2023.10 percent of the country's autumn grain had been harvested, and most of the autumn grain had been harvested.

At the meeting, a reporter asked: Judging from media reports, nearly 1% of autumn grain harvest has been harvested. Can the target of more than 3.<> trillion jin set at the beginning of the year be achieved?

In this regard, Pan Wenbo said that according to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as of October 10, 22.81% of the country's autumn grain has been harvested. Judging from the situation of experts testing production in the field and the actual harvest in various places, the vast majority of provinces in the country have increased production, and some provinces have increased and decreased due to disasters, and the increase is obviously more than the decrease.

Pan Wenbo said that the area of autumn grain has increased this year, which has laid the foundation for increasing autumn grain production. According to the dispatch of agricultural conditions, it is estimated that the area of grain this autumn will be 13.1 billion mu, an increase of more than 700 million mu over the previous year. On the one hand, this autumn's grain area has increased for the fourth consecutive year, and the area has increased; some have been converted from cash crops to grain, some have been sparsely planted to raise the replanting index, some have been rectified and replanted, and some have increased water and land to grow grain. On the other hand, the area of corn for high-yield crops has increased a lot this year, and it is expected to increase by more than 4 million mu, and the area of low-yield crops such as coarse grains and beans will decrease, and the yield of these two types of crops will be about 1300 jin.

Pan Wenbo pointed out that the effect of increasing the yield of a large area has begun to appear, which is the key to increasing grain production this autumn. Summing up the experience of grain production in recent years, the space for area increase is getting smaller and smaller, and the potential for yield improvement is still great. Compared with the main producing countries, our corn and soybean yields are still not small. In China, there are also differences in yields in different provinces of the same ecological zone, such as Jiluyu, and there is an even greater gap between the yield of expert test fields and the output of farmers' fields. What is the gap? The gap is the potential, and the gap is the direction of the work. At the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched a large-scale yield improvement action for major crops such as grain and oil, which is a task that combines long and short periods. This year, we will focus on promoting yield improvement in 200 large corn counties and 100 large soybean counties, find gaps in the whole link of cultivation management and harvesting, land planting and fertilizer, and come up with comprehensive solutions. This year, the focus is on the planting density of corn and soybeans, first of all, the selection and breeding of dense-tolerant varieties, supporting high-performance seeders, precise water and fertilizer regulation, timely pest prevention and control, coupled with the large-scale implementation of autumn grain "one spray and multiple promotions" in the middle and late stages, the central finance has taken out 24.800 billion yuan to support the promotion of this measure, and the effect of yield improvement is very obvious. According to expert surveys, the density of soybeans in these key counties increases by 1000-30 plants per mu, and the yield per mu can increase by 50-500 jin, and the density of corn increases by 800-150 plants, increasing the yield per mu by 300-300 jin. Experts estimate that the increase in yields in 73 key counties contributes <>% to the bumper grain harvest, which effectively hedges the impact of disasters such as floods and droughts on food production.

Pan Wenbo said that this year's weather has generally helped. Although local disasters are more serious, most of the main producing areas have moderate rainwater and sufficient light and heat, which is conducive to the growth and development of crops and the formation of yields.

Pan Wenbo emphasized that summer grain was slightly reduced by 25.5 billion jin due to the rare "rotten rain" in Huanghuai, and the output of early rice increased by 4 million jin. Over the years, the media have also reported that China's grain harvest has been bumper every year, and the inventory is relatively abundant, and the stable and safe supply of grain is fully guaranteed.