Teller Report

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Annual grain output is expected to hit a record high

10/23/2023, 8:08:26 AM

Highlights: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Annual grain output is expected to hit a record high. Zeng Yande, chief agronomist and director of the Department of Development Planning said that this year's grain production in China has overcome the impact of disasters such as the rare "rotten rain" in Huanghuai. Experts estimate that the increase in yields in 300 key counties contributes 73% to the bumper grain harvest. Pan Wenbo said that under the new crown epidemic and the Ukraine crisis, China's food prices have remained stable.

Beijing, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said on 23 October that grain output for the whole year this year is expected to hit a new record high.

On the same day, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference to introduce the operation of the agricultural and rural economy in the first three quarters of 2023. Zeng Yande, chief agronomist and director of the Department of Development Planning of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, said that this year's grain production in China has overcome the impact of disasters such as the rare "rotten rain" in Huanghuai, severe floods in northeast China, and local drought in northwest China, and output is expected to hit a record high, remaining above 9.1 trillion jin for nine consecutive years.

Zeng Yande said that this year's summer grain and early rice received abundant hands, and the summer grain output was 2922.6 billion jin, a slight decrease of 25.5 billion jin over the previous year, still at the second highest level in history; the output of early rice was 566.7 billion jin, an increase of 4 million jin, an increase for four consecutive years.

Autumn grain is the bulk of year-round grain production. Zeng Yande said that this year's autumn grain production increase has become a foregone conclusion, autumn grain area has increased steadily, except for local disasters, most areas have a good match of light, temperature and water, and the overall production trend is increasing.

According to agricultural dispatch, it is estimated that China's autumn grain area this year will be 13.1 billion mu, an increase of more than 700 million mu over the previous year.

Pan Wenbo, director of the Department of Plantation Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, said that the initial effect of increasing large-scale yields is the key to increasing grain production this autumn. Experts estimate that the increase in yields in 300 key counties contributes 73% to the bumper grain harvest, effectively hedging the impact of disasters such as floods and droughts on food production.

In order to adjust the structure of grain production and reduce the degree of foreign dependence, China has implemented a soybean oil expansion plan in recent years. Zeng Yande said that China's soybean oil expansion results have been consolidated, the soybean area has been stable at more than 2 million mu for two consecutive years, the soybean corn belt compound planting area has been implemented by 1 million mu, the rapeseed area and output have achieved a "double increase", and other oil crops such as peanuts and oil sunflower have also shown a stable production trend.

"Over the years, China's grain harvest has been bumper year after year, and its stocks are relatively abundant, and the stable and safe supply of grain is fully guaranteed." Pan Wenbo said that under the new crown epidemic and the Ukraine crisis, compared with the sharp rise in international grain market prices and high fluctuations, China's food prices have remained basically stable. "In China's streets and alleys, three meals a day, people can experience that the country's food supply is sufficient and prices are stable. The variety of rice noodles on the shelves of supermarkets is complete, and people can buy and eat them at any time. (End)