Teller Report

Warning signs of menopause and tips for better dealing with symptoms

10/22/2023, 7:46:47 AM

Highlights: Warning signs of menopause and tips for better dealing with symptoms. Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life like puberty, and can last from months to years. Average age of a woman who completes her reproductive cycle is 51 years, although there are cases where it comes early or late. Women usually go through the last menstrual cycle in their early fifties, noting that the duration and symptoms of this hormonal change vary from one woman to another according to the nature of her body.

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life like puberty, and the average age of a woman who completes her reproductive cycle is 51 years, although there are cases where menopause comes early or late.

Menopause is a normal stage in a woman's life like puberty, which is when her last period is, and can last from months to years.

The average age of a woman who completes her reproductive cycle is 51 years, although there are cases where menopause comes early or late.

The German Society for Menopause said menopause usually begins in the early and even mid-forties, but can also occur early.

The association added that women usually go through the last menstrual cycle, known in medicine as menopause, in their early fifties, noting that the duration and symptoms of this hormonal change vary from one woman to another according to the nature of her body.

Suffering from hot flashes (high body temperature) from the indicators of the menopausal phase (German)

Important questions

And a woman can find out that menopause has already begun by answering the following questions:

  • Have there been fluctuations in cycle length over the past few months?
  • Is there a difference between the length or intensity of bleeding?
  • Has your period stopped for a long period of time?
  • Has my mood decreased in the last 6-12 months compared to before?
  • Have you had difficulties sleeping?
  • Has my focus decreased and my ability to exert decreased?
  • Do I sometimes have hot flashes (high body temperature)?

The more "yes" answers, the more likely it is that menopause is causing these symptoms, which may require consulting a gynecologist.

Phase symptoms

A report published by the French magazine "Amillior ta Santi" reviewed the most prominent symptoms of menopause, namely:

  • Changes in the menstrual cycle.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Increased urinary tract infections.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Heat flashes.
  • Sharp mood swings.

    Experts advise women in menopause to enjoy a good and long sleep (Pixels)

Foods that relieve menopausal symptoms

It is necessary to understand that nutritional needs vary according to age, and that good eating contributes to the proper functioning of the body during this period, and to take into account the following:

  • After menopause, the risk of bone calcium and heart disease increases, so consuming dairy products and products rich in vitamin D is essential to avoid cardiovascular problems.
  • At this stage, it is also recommended to eat nuts because they maintain body weight, as well as consuming fruits and vegetables because they contain antioxidants.
  • To prevent or reduce flashes of heat and night sweats, soy and sage are also recommended.
  • It is also necessary to protect the skin because it loses its elasticity and firmness due to hormonal changes at this stage.

Tips for better handling menopause

There are women who do not show symptoms at all, but they are far from representing the majority. It is therefore important for a woman to know how to manage her mood at this stage so as not to go into an emotional crisis.

To get through menopause in the best possible way, there are some basic tips to adhere to:

  • Visit your gynecologist regularly to maintain your health by monitoring and controlling any symptoms.
  • Practicing physical activity at all times to enhance the body's work while maintaining muscle mass, and this activity also contributes to avoiding cardiovascular problems.
  • Menopausal symptoms can appear much earlier in women who smoke, so this bad habit should be quit as soon as possible.
  • A good relationship with your spouse is also essential for a successful transition.
  • Maintaining peace of mind is an important factor in overcoming menopause.
  • Practice relaxation activities to reduce stress and anxiety that can be caused by hormonal changes, as these activities contribute to better self-esteem and emotional control.
  • Enjoy a good and long sleep.
  • Attention to social relations to avoid loss of morale.