Teller Report

Vendela, 12 years old, met a bear when she tried to go hunting with her

10/22/2023, 2:17:39 PM

Highlights: Mjötjärn's hunting team in Bygdsiljum wants to get more young people to start hunting moose. They invited a group of children to join the moose hunt on Sunday. "I was excited, and at the same time it felt a bit scary," says Vendela, 12, who met the bear with her father. The children also got to try shooting with a saloon rifle under supervision after the hunt. The hunting team had gone through the safety of the accompanying people.

Black grouse courtship, bear encounter and a shot moose. It was a successful day for the hunting team outside Bygdsiljum who invited a group of children to join the moose hunt on Sunday. "I was excited, and at the same time it felt a bit scary," says Vendela, who met the bear with her father.

Mjötjärn's hunting team in Bygdsiljum wants to get more young people to start hunting moose. That's why they invited children to join them on the moose hunt.

"Today we have organized a moose hunt just for young people, to arouse their interest. Sure, it was a bit cold today, but we've been very lucky too. I'm very happy that the children got to experience this," says Martin Sjöström, one of the hunters who participated.

It was a beautiful, but cold morning for older and younger hunters. And very content-rich. Calle, 13 years old, was just making a fire to warm himself with when his father called out.

"Then we started to hear the dog barking. Then I heard a crash through the woods. It sounded so loud that you thought it was a big bull coming out," says Calle.

But it was a heifer that was felled right next to the moose pass.

The badger turned out to be a bear

But it was still Vendela and her father who had the greatest experience of the day. Their dog started barking at what they first thought was a badger, but turned out to be something much bigger. A really big bear.

"When my father went to see what the dog was barking at, the first thing a tree started to sway. And then you just heard "badoum-badoum". Then we saw a big, round bear track. When we saw the bear, we were only 29 meters away from it.

Prior to the event, the hunting team had gone through the safety of the accompanying people.

"There is a maximum of two children per shooter. The children sit down during the hunt, then you know where they are. Otherwise, it's the same safety thinking as during a regular hunt," says Martin Sjöström

The children also got to try shooting with a saloon rifle under supervision after the hunt.

Watch the bear come when Vendela joins us on the moose pass in the clip above