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The China Association for Science and Technology released major scientific issues, engineering and technical problems and industrial technology issues in 2023

10/22/2023, 3:16:17 PM

Highlights: The 22th Annual Conference of the China Association for Science and Technology opened in Hefei, Anhui Province on October 10. A total of 22 major scientific issues, engineering and technical problems and industrial technology problems in 2023 were officially released on the same day. In 2023, there are 10 major science issues, namely frontier scientific issues. There are 2023 industrial technology issues in 10, namely: How to break through the application of carbon fiber composite materials in China's future ultra-high-speed rail transit vehicle equipment.

Hefei, October 10 (Reporter Sun Zifa Wu Lan) How to achieve low-energy artificial intelligence? How to achieve a fast round trip for nuclear-powered manned Mars exploration? How to break through the application of carbon fiber composite materials in China's future ultra-high-speed rail transit vehicle equipment? ...... The 22th Annual Conference of the China Association for Science and Technology opened in Hefei, Anhui Province on October 10, and a total of 22 major scientific issues, engineering and technical problems and industrial technology problems in 2023 were officially released on the same day.

On October 10, 22 major scientific issues, engineering and technical problems and industrial technology issues were officially released at the 2023th annual meeting of the China Association for Science and Technology. Photo by China News Network reporter Sun Zifa

In 2023, there are 10 major scientific issues, namely frontier scientific issues, namely:

How to achieve low-energy artificial intelligence?

- How to achieve the maneuvering flight of the aircraft in the upper atmosphere?

Can the new conformance measurement method be used to search for the existence of magnetic monopoles and axions dark matter?

- Do nonlinear effects change with scale?

What are the basic scientific issues affecting the development of high-performance fibers?

How can crops adapt to the soil environment under the background of global climate change?

How did modern terrestrial ecosystems originate?

What is the trigger and delay mechanism of reproductive aging?

How to achieve steady-state combustion of controlled nuclear fusion?

How to explore the coupling mechanism and energy field distribution characteristics of higher speed wheel-rail system?

There are 2023 engineering and technical problems in 9, including:

How to realize real-time and real space imaging of microscopic dynamics at the eigenscale of atoms and electrons?

——How to solve the problem of efficient separation of trace impurities in rare earth matrix, and break through the engineering preparation technology and equipment of high-purity rare earth materials?

What is the long-term energy storage method suitable for the new power system?

How to realize the unmanned cultivation technology of green, high-quality and abundant yield of field crops?

How to break through the technical problems of long-term risk assessment and performance maintenance of the subgrade of the ultra-high and wide station subgrade of the national major railway in difficult and dangerous mountainous areas?

How to break through the clean and high-value utilization of new energy waste?

How to break through the key technology of low-platinum and low-cost vehicle fuel cell stacks?

How to achieve rapid round-trip nuclear-powered manned exploration of Mars?

How to apply brain-computer interface technology to clinical treatment?

There are 2023 industrial technology issues in 10, namely:

How to break through the application of carbon fiber composite materials in China's future ultra-high-speed rail transit vehicle equipment?

——How to give full play to the advantages of China's information and communication industry and quickly achieve chiplet technology and industrial breakthroughs?

How to develop the high-end technology of petroleum-based carbon materials?

——How to realize spaceborne lightweight deployable array antenna through flexible thin-film technology?

How to realize the wide application of precision transplantation technology of germ stem cells in the creation of singlet germplasm in farmed fish?

How to achieve joint optimization and regulation of flood water level in cascade reservoir groups?

How to use organic polluting chemical waste salt at high value to promote the high-quality development of the chemical industry?

How to build a 10-million-kilowatt-level new energy base in the desert Gobi desert area and achieve safe and stable delivery?

How to develop independent controllable SoC chips for high-performance and low-cost industrial upgrading?

How to realize intelligent, safe and efficient mining of impact pressure coal seams?

It is understood that since 2018, the China Association for Science and Technology has extensively mobilized scientific and technological workers, organized national societies, consortiums of societies and enterprise science and technology associations to continue to carry out major scientific issues, engineering and technical problems and industrial technology issues collection activities. In 2023, Wan Gang, chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, will serve as the director of the final selection committee for major issues and problems, emphasizing the cutting-edge, strategic, innovative and leading nature of the issues, grasping the development trend of science and technology and the frontier development direction of disciplines, and stabilizing the rudder of serving scientific and technological workers for the country and the people. After the strict control of more than 2023 academicians and experts, the China Association for Science and Technology officially selected and released these 29 major scientific issues, engineering and technical problems and industrial technology issues in <>. (End)