Teller Report

The 2023 Welcome Event of the British Hunan Hometown Association was held in video

10/22/2023, 3:17:17 PM

Highlights: The 2023 Welcome Event of the British Hunan Hometown Association was held in London. The event kicked off with a poetry reading "We Are Hunanese". The Chinese Embassy in the UK will always be the home of the vast number of students studying in UK. According to reports, at present, the scale of students in Hunan in UK is relatively large, distributed in dozens of British universities such as Cambridge University, Oxford University, Imperial College, and University of London. (Ouyang Kaiyu produced by Yue Ziyan)Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]

The 2023 Welcome Event of the British Hunan Hometown Association was held in London

The 2023 "Xiangyun Xiang'an" Welcome Event of the British Hunan Hometown Association was held at Loughborough University London Campus. About <> representatives from the Chinese Embassy in the UK, the Hunan Overseas Chinese Group, the British University Student Association, and Chinese-funded institutions in the UK attended the event.

The event kicked off with a poetry reading "We Are Hunanese". Wu Lili, president of the British Hunan Hometown Association and the British Hunan Experts and Scholars Association, delivered a welcome speech. Wu Lili said that the annual orientation activity has created a platform for Hunan students who have newly arrived in the UK to make like-minded friends, enrich their spare time life, and share their learning work experience, so that Hunan students no longer feel lonely and find a sense of belonging in a foreign country.

Zhang Jin, education counselor of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, said that every international student is a walking "Chinese business card", and hopes that everyone will abide by laws and regulations, school discipline and school rules, focus on their studies, broaden their horizons, unite and help each other, actively participate in China-UK people-to-people exchanges, let more British friends understand China, and show the good spiritual outlook of the new generation of Chinese youth. The Chinese Embassy in the UK will always be the home of the vast number of students studying in the UK.

Gao Gao, First Secretary of the Education Department of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, gave a lecture on the theme of "Safe Study Abroad". Gao Shang reminds new international students to be vigilant, prevent telecommunications fraud, take the initiative to learn anti-fraud knowledge, improve prevention awareness, in addition to life and property safety, but also pay attention to mental health to help academic growth.

Xiong Peng, President of the Hunan Chamber of Commerce and Trade of the United Kingdom, Fang Gang, President of the Hunan Hometown Association of the United Kingdom, David Tan, Dean of the School of Architecture, Computer and Engineering of the University of East London, Yan Ji, Deputy Dean of Durham University Business School, Zhang Tao, Deputy Dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Loughborough University, Chen Zhizhi, Principal of Orpington Chinese School in the United Kingdom, and other representatives shared their study and entrepreneurial experience with the international students.

The event was co-organized by the British Hunan Hometown Association, the British Hunan Experts and Scholars Association, the British Hunan General Chamber of Commerce and Trade, the British Hunan Hometown Association and the British Hunan Students' Parents Association. According to reports, at present, the scale of students studying in Hunan in the UK is relatively large, distributed in dozens of British universities such as Cambridge University, Oxford University, Imperial College, and University of London. (Ouyang Kaiyu produced by Yue Ziyan)

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]