Teller Report

Prime Minister Kishida's policy speech today to express his thoughts on income tax reduction

10/22/2023, 7:56:55 PM

Highlights: Prime Minister Kishida will deliver a policy speech on the 23rd, indicating that he intends to proceed with consideration of concrete measures for the reduction of income tax. Questions from representatives of each party will be held for three days from the 24th, and responses to the rise in prices are expected to be the main theme. In addition to income tax reductions, the government and ruling parties have formulated economic measures that include the provision of benefits to low-income earners, and have explained their policy of taking all possible measures.

NHK: At the extraordinary session of the Diet, Prime Minister Kishida will deliver a policy speech on the 23rd, indicating that he intends to proceed with consideration of concrete measures for the reduction of income tax...

At the extraordinary session of the Diet, Prime Minister Kishida will deliver a policy speech on the 23rd and indicate his intention to proceed with consideration of concrete measures toward the reduction of income tax.
In response to this, the opposition parties intend to call for the government's response to the high price level in the debate from the 24th and the implementation of economic measures compiled by each party.

At the extraordinary session of the Diet, Prime Minister Kishida will deliver a policy speech at the plenary sessions of both houses of the House of Representatives on June 23. In light of Prime Minister Kishida's directive to the ruling parties to consider reducing income tax on economic measures, Prime Minister Kishida has indicated that he intends to proceed with consideration of concrete measures to return the increase in tax revenues to the people.

In response to this, questions from representatives of each party will be held for three days from the 24th, and responses to the rise in prices are expected to be the main theme. In addition to income tax reductions, the government and ruling parties have formulated economic measures that include the provision of benefits to low-income earners, and have explained their policy of taking all possible measures.

On the other hand, the opposition parties criticize the government's response as lacking a sense of speed and lagging behind, and call for the implementation of economic measures put together by each party, such as cash transfers and reductions in social insurance premiums, as well as reductions in consumption and income taxes.

In addition, regarding the issue of the former Unification Church, based on the fact that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Japan Restoration Party submitted a bill to preserve the assets of the cult to help the victims, the LDP is also coordinating to submit its own bill to the Diet as the ruling party, and a lively debate is expected to develop.