Teller Report

His goal with the Scholastic Aptitude Test: "Get better than your girlfriend"

10/22/2023, 2:57:04 PM

Highlights: The autumn Scholastic Aptitude Test was written on Sunday. We met test-takers at the University of Gävle at lunch. For many of the samplers, 2.0 is a long way off – even if some dream. "In the end, I want to get as close as possible," says Victor Alm Lagerby, one of the test takers. "It's very hard if you don't get the points you want," says Linnea Hallqvist, another test taker.

Studying to get the maximum score of 2.0 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test is probably not possible, says Christina Wikström, project manager. And for many of the samplers, 2.0 is a long way off – even if some dream. "In the end, I want to get as close as possible," says Victor Alm Lagerby.

On Sunday, the autumn Scholastic Aptitude Test was written. We met test-takers at the University of Gävle at lunch. At that time, three tests had been written and many emotions were bubbling.

"Now it's past the limit of when you want to perform and now you just want to get through it. It's the first university entrance exam I've written and I've gained an insight into the fact that I need to study more for the next one," says Victor Alm Lagerby.

Many people that SVT talks to think that the tests are difficult. This can involve both pressure and stress.

"It's very hard if you don't get the points you want. Then it's six months until the next test," says Linnea Hallqvist.

But others have completely different, more personal goals. Hear about one in the video at the top of this article.