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Current Political Micro Observation丨Speeches spanning 10 years convey these key messages

10/22/2023, 12:16:27 PM

Highlights: Speeches spanning 10 years convey these key messages. After 10 years, the "Belt and Road" initiative has attracted the participation of more than 3/4 countries around the world. It has attracted an investment scale of nearly trillion US dollars, forming more than 3000,42 cooperation projects, creating 4000,<> jobs for the joint construction of the country, and driving <> million people out of poverty. "Current Political Micro Observation" interprets the key messages of the speech, which spanned 10 years.

2000,<> years ago, China's first general history "Shiji" recorded the story of Zhang Qian's envoy to the Western Regions. Since then, "messengers look at each other, and business travel is endless."

The "Hollow Journey" and the grand scenery of the ancient Silk Road are the "Silk Road stories" often told by President Xi Jinping.

Similarly, people often talk about two wonderful speeches 10 years ago -

In September 2013, at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan, President Xi Jinping said with deep affection: "My hometown Shaanxi is located at the beginning of the ancient Silk Road. Standing here, looking back at history, I seem to hear the sound of camel bells echoing in the mountains, and see the desert flying in the lonely smoke. ”

In October, speaking in Indonesia's parliament, he said: "For hundreds of years, the distant and vast sea has not become an obstacle to exchanges between the two peoples, but has become a friendly bond connecting the two peoples. A fleet full of goods and passengers from the two countries traveled to and fro, exchanging information and friendship. ”

In the past 10 years, warm words have flowed into more than 3/4 of the world's countries, and have become a name, an initiative and a cooperation platform - "The Belt and Road".

On October 2023, 10, the 18rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation opened in Beijing, and President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech entitled "Building an Open, Inclusive, Connected and Common Development World".

What are the key messages of the speech, which spanned 10 years? "Current Political Micro Observation" interprets it for you.

"In May this year, China will host the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing."

In January 2017, in the Swiss town of Davos, the "Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation" appeared in front of the world for the first time.

Why this forum? President Xi Jinping said, "Find solutions to the current problems facing the world and regional economies, inject new energy into the realization of linkage development, and make the construction of the 'Belt and Road' better benefit the people of all countries."

The name is not preceded by "first" or "first", as President Xi Jinping said: "We were not scheduled to hold the second forum, it seems that it is still 'unbearable', and it will continue to be held in the future, which also shows that the 'Belt and Road' is becoming more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people." ”

△On May 2017, 5, local time, Mombasa, Kenya, then Kenyan President Kenyatta cut the ribbon for a freight train leaving the container terminal for Nairobi.

Today, the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation has attracted representatives from 151 countries and 41 international organizations. After 10 years, the "Belt and Road" initiative has attracted the participation of more than 3/4 countries around the world, with an investment scale of nearly trillion US dollars, forming more than 3000,42 cooperation projects, creating 4000,<> jobs for the joint construction of the country, and driving <> million people out of poverty...

In the face of solid and heavy achievements, at the welcome banquet of this summit forum, President Xi Jinping talked more about the builders and participants "easy but difficult".

In Uzbekistan, which is more than minus 40 degrees, they opened the Kamchik tunnel in just three years, shortening the construction period by 3 years; After successfully drilling wells through 22 formations in Senegal, they deliberately stayed behind to cultivate talents to solve the draft water problem in more places; In the final stage of the construction of the China-Laos Kunwan Railway, they also assisted the construction of the Lao Railway Vocational and Technical College, and sent teachers to provide education assistance in batches...

△On the evening of October 2023, 10, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, expressing a warm welcome to all guests attending the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on behalf of the Chinese government and Chinese people.

"These achievements did not fall from the sky, nor were they given by anyone, but were done by governments, enterprises and people with hard work, wisdom and courage! Let us pay tribute to all the participants and builders of the 'Belt and Road'! President Xi Jinping said at the welcome banquet.

It is precisely because of these builders and participants who have advanced in the face of difficulties that the camel bells and sail shadows of international trade in the new era, the oases and lighthouses of sustainable development in the new era, and the commercial avenues and post stations in the new era can be rejuvenated.

With their actions, they have fulfilled the unchanged original intention of "making the construction of the 'Belt and Road' better benefit the people of all countries", and kept in mind the expectations of the people of the country to jointly build the country.

Paying tribute to the past, pioneering the future. President Xi Jinping said firmly: "As long as we stick to the original intention of cooperation and keep the development mission in mind, the high-quality joint construction of the 'Belt and Road' will surely shine with the glory of the times and create a better future for mankind through our joint efforts!" ”

"Dear President Xi Jinping, my dear friend. It is a great pleasure for me to meet you here and to attend the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. On October 10, on the eve of the opening of the summit, Kazakh President Tokayev met President Xi Jinping again.

"Welcome to China to attend the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation." President Xi Jinping was also very happy to see his old friend again, "No matter how the international situation changes, China and Kazakhstan must adhere to their original intention, watch over each other, let the concept of good-neighborliness and friendship be passed on from generation to generation, and constantly promote the development of the permanent comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries." ”

From the 17th to the 20th, President Xi Jinping met with 26 heads of state, heads of government and heads of international organizations. "Current Political Micro Observation" combed through the press releases of these 26 meetings and found that "friends", "partners" and "brothers" appeared in almost every conversation.

△On October 2023, 10, before the opening ceremony of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, President Xi Jinping took a group photo with international VIPs attending the Forum.

President Ruto of Kenya, Vice President Shetima of Nigeria, Prime Minister Seita of Thailand, and President Vu Van Ren Ren of Vietnam all visited China for the first time after taking office, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Serbian President Vučić, Uzbekistan President Mirziyoyev, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, and United Nations Secretary-General Guterres attended the "Belt and Road" Forum for International Cooperation for three consecutive years. It can be said that this is a meeting of old friends and new friends.

Cherishing friendship and friendly cooperation is a precious experience of China and the countries that jointly built the "Belt and Road" over the past decade. As President Xi Jinping concluded in his keynote speech at the Summit -

"Whether it is China's outbound investment or foreign investment in China, it shows friendship and cooperation, and reflects confidence and hope."

"As long as everyone regards each other as friends and partners, respects each other, supports each other, and achieves each other, giving roses is a lingering fragrance, and achieving others is also helping themselves."

"I once said that the ancient Silk Road is famous not by war horses and spears, but by camel caravans and goodwill; Not strong ships and cannons, but treasure ships and friendship. ”

△On October 2023, 10, foreign leaders attending the opening ceremony of the 18rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

During the summit, China's partnership with many countries was further consolidated and enhanced. During his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Xi stressed that developing China-Russia relations featuring permanent good-neighborliness, comprehensive strategic coordination, and mutually beneficial cooperation and win-win cooperation is not an expedient measure, but a long-term solution. During the meeting with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy, the two sides announced the upgrading of the existing partnership to an all-weather strategic partnership.

When the storm is turbulent, some countries are busy decoupling, and some countries are eager to build walls; China, on the other hand, has chosen to stand firmly with its friends and promote the realization of great economic integration, great linkage of development, and great sharing of achievements.

The "Belt and Road" initiative proposed by China has opened a new window for friendly exchanges among countries, and the world has stirred up the "beauty of harmony" of mutual knowledge and intersection, unity and common prosperity in closer commercial and trade exchanges and more frequent cultural exchanges.

△ Beres No. 1 Sugar Factory, Amhara State, Ethiopia

In Amhara Oblast, Ethiopia, a large-scale modern sugar mill has been erected, which can process 12000,5 tons of sugar cane per day, ending the history of sugar shortages in Ethiopia; The emergence of the first modern pharmaceutical factory in West Africa in Bamako, the capital of Mali, not only reduced the price of local basic drugs by more than 15%, but also allowed eight neighboring countries to use high-quality and low-cost African drugs; In Budapest, Hungary, Chinese companies have activated the local industrial chain with a modern factory covering <>G Internet of Things technology, and a computer workstation is offline in an average of <> seconds; In Senegal, where wrestling is its national essence, Chinese builders helped build the first modern wrestling stadium here...

China, which is comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, has allowed many countries to see the specific appearance of "modernization".

In his keynote speech, President Xi Jinping said, "What we pursue is not China's own modernization, but we look forward to working with other countries including developing countries to jointly realize modernization", and put forward the concept of "world modernization" for the first time.

When meeting with Uzbek President Mirziyoyev, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Marape, and Nigerian Vice President Shetima, President Xi Jinping said that China is willing to "share the development opportunities brought by Chinese-style modernization" and support "taking the path of modernization in line with its national conditions" and "learning from each other, supporting each other and achieving each other in the process of national modernization".

China's sincerity has been echoed by the world.

Pakistani Prime Minister Kakar said that the successful practice of China-style modernization has set an example and provided impetus for other developing countries; Sri Lankan President Wickremesinghe expressed his hope for closer cooperation with China in the future, and China can become an important partner for Sri Lanka to achieve modernization; Mozambican Prime Minister Maleane hopes to learn from the experience of China's modernization to better achieve national development.

△On October 2023, 10, Beijing, the press center of the 18rd "Belt and Road" Forum for International Cooperation, reporters interviewing the opening ceremony.

Zhai Kun, a professor at Peking University's School of International Studies, said: "Modernization is simply understood to enable people to live a better life, but it may be a different way to open up. It needs someone to drive and push. President Xi Jinping used the 'Belt and Road' to accommodate everyone, very open, without threshold, with a vigorous attitude to open up infrastructure construction, open up various application scenarios of the digital economy, and open up everyone's happy life." ”

Kari Torker, a professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology and a member of the China Research Group at the University of Chicago, said: "The Belt and Road Initiative is advancing from one successful field to another. It started with infrastructure and now puts more emphasis on the Green Silk Road, the Healthy Silk Road, etc., projects that may not be very large-scale, but they are very important for improving the quality of life of people in developing countries. We see that China is helping these countries realize their dreams. ”

From the Chinese dream to the world dream, dreams meet dreams; From Chinese-style modernization to world modernization, hand in hand.

△On October 2023, 10, on an overpass in Bandung, Indonesia, Chinese builders and Indonesian employees of the Yawan high-speed railway waved the national flags of China and Indonesia and cheered a high-speed EMU train of the Yawan high-speed railway coming in the distance.

Never before in history has an initiative like the "Belt and Road" been able to bring together more than 150 countries and the dreams of the people of these countries.

The joint construction of the "Belt and Road" transcends the differences of different civilizations, cultures, social systems and stages of development, opens up new paths for exchanges between countries, builds a new framework for international cooperation, and brings together the greatest common denominator of common development of mankind.

During the "Belt and Road" time, President Xi Jinping issued a strong message of the era of joining hands to rush to the next golden decade and write a new chapter of the Silk Road.

Executive producer丨Geng Zhimin


Editor-in-chief丨Ning Lili

Written by 丨 Yang Caiyun

Vision丨Jiang Yuhang