Teller Report

Chinese tax authorities investigate Taiwanese companies' bases in China ahead of Taiwan's presidential election

10/22/2023, 4:16:29 PM

Highlights: Chinese tax authorities investigate Taiwanese companies' bases in China ahead of Taiwan's presidential election. In Taiwan, the focus is only on the fact that the founder of Hon Hai is preparing to run for the presidential election next January. In response to this report, Hong Hai issued a comment saying that it would "actively cooperate with relevant organizations" The reasons and results of the investigation have not been disclosed, but the Chinese authorities' intentions are of interest as Hon Hai founder Guo Tai Ming's intention to run as an independent candidate.

NHK: It was reported that several bases of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. in China have been investigated by Chinese tax authorities. In Taiwan, the founding of Hon Hai...

It was reported that several bases of Hon Hai Precision Industry in Taiwan in China were investigated by Chinese tax authorities and others. In Taiwan, the focus is only on the fact that the founder of Hon Hai is preparing to run for the presidential election next January.

The Global Times, a Chinese media outlet, reported on May 22 that several bases of subsidiaries of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. in various parts of China have been investigated by Chinese authorities regarding tax and land usage.

The article also conveys the opinion of experts that "Taiwan-owned enterprises should develop on the mainland and at the same time assume commensurate social responsibilities and play a positive role for the peaceful development of both sides of the Taiwan Strait." In response to this report, Hong Hai issued a comment saying that it would "actively cooperate with relevant organizations."

The reasons and results of the investigation have not been disclosed, but in Taiwan, the Chinese authorities' intentions are of interest as Hon Hai founder Guo Tai Ming's intention to run as an independent candidate in the presidential election next January and continues to collect the necessary voter signatures to do so.

Vice President Yori Kiyode, who plans to run for the presidential election from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and has long pointed out the possibility of election interference by China, criticized Taiwanese companies in yesterday's election campaign, saying, "Just because the election is approaching, we should not take measures to force Taiwanese companies to express their stance."