Teller Report

Bombings, war between Israel and Hamas... How can you preserve your mental health in the face of anxiety-provoking news?

10/22/2023, 11:56:27 AM

Highlights: Bombings, war between Israel and Hamas... How can you preserve your mental health in the face of anxiety-provoking news?. Psychologist and psychoanalyst Michael Stora gives his advice on how to maintain yourmental health. In three years, the number of consultations with psychologists and psychiatrists has increased by 60%. The All Saints' Day holidays seem to come at the right time for many French people, who are worried because of the dramatic news of recent weeks. To avoid this situation, Fabien made a radical decision. "I don't watch the news anymore," he said.

For many French people, the All Saints' Day holidays are an opportunity to break away from the anxiety-provoking news of recent weeks. Psychologist and psychoanalyst Michael Stora gives his advice on how to maintain your mental health in the face of information that affects your mood.

Geoffrey Branger 13:43 p.m., October 22, 2023

For many French people, the All Saints' Day holidays are an opportunity to break away from the anxiety-provoking news of recent weeks. Psychologist and psychoanalyst Michael Stora gives his advice on how to maintain your mental health in the face of information that affects your mood.

The All Saints' Day holidays seem to come at the right time for many French people, who are worried because of the dramatic news of recent weeks. Between the war between Israel and Hamas, the attack in Arras and the one in Brussels, many are trying to take a step back. Because current events have an impact on morale. "You feel like you're powerless over everything that's going on. We see the attack that there was in Belgium and we have the impression that it can happen in France, "worries Rémy. "It's the current climate, plus the little things that we each have personally in our lives, that make up this feeling of insecurity."

To avoid this situation, Fabien made a radical decision. "I don't watch the news anymore. I don't watch TV, I read, so I get the news I want. I know what's going on, but I don't want to get into something anxiety-provoking that repeats the same things," he said.

Don't fall into "infobesity"

And it's the right thing to do, according to Michael Stora, a psychologist and psychoanalyst, so as not to fall into what he calls "infobesity," that is, the fact of constantly and abundantly eating topical food. In normal times, this is not a good idea according to him, but in the current context, it should be totally avoided to preserve his mental health.

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"I really think that without being in a state of avoidance at all costs, there is a moment when it is perhaps important to accept to go on the side of analysis, of certain in-depth articles with experts who also allow us to think about things, to be less in pure affect or emotion," advises Michael Stora.

With all the recent news, the health crisis, economic problems, wars and attacks... In three years, the number of consultations with psychologists and psychiatrists has increased by 60%.