Teller Report

Arras attack: are we still free to teach?

10/22/2023, 5:56:19 PM

Highlights: Arras attack: are we still free to teach?. Strong opinions and incisive arguments are on the program at 19:36 p.m. to decipher the news. Pierre de Vilno 19:47 p.M., October 22, 2023. Jean-Louis Harouël, associate professor of law, professor emeritus at the University of Paris II. Didier Lemaire, professor of philosophy, author of Letter from a Hussar of the Republic (Robert Laffont, 2021) and Petite philosophie de the nation.

Every Saturday and Sunday evening, Pierre de Vilno welcomes two guests for two current affairs debates. Strong opinions and incisive arguments are on the program at 19:36 p.m. to decipher the news.

Pierre de Vilno 19:47 p.m., October 22, 2023

Every Saturday and Sunday evening, Pierre de Vilno welcomes two guests for two current affairs debates. Strong opinions and incisive arguments are on the program at 19:36 p.m. to decipher the news.



Jean-Louis Harouël, associate professor of law, professor emeritus at the University of Paris II, author of Les Mensonges de l'égalité: Ce mal qui ronge la France et l'Occident (L'Artilleur, published on October 11, 2023)


Didier Lemaire, professor of philosophy, author of Letter from a Hussar of the Republic (Robert Laffont, 2021) and Petite philosophie de la nation (Robert Laffont, 2022)