Teller Report

After its support for Gaza. Fierce Israeli campaign to boycott Huda Kattan products

10/22/2023, 6:36:30 PM

Highlights: After its support for Gaza. Fierce Israeli campaign to boycott Huda Kattan products. Entrepreneur HudaKattan has faced Israeli boycotts of her products after declaring her position on the war on Gaza. More than 14,686 people signing a petition demanding that Sephora, one of the most popular cosmetics retailers, remove all Huda Beauty products from its shelves across the United States. The petition noted that Hudakattan publicly declared her stances against Israel, which the signatories considered a message of hatred towards a nation.

Entrepreneur Huda Kattan has faced Israeli boycotts of her products after declaring her position on the war on Gaza, with more than 14,<> people signing a petition calling on Sephora to remove all Huda Beauty products from its shelves.

Beauty expert and entrepreneur Huda Kattan has faced Israeli boycotts of her products after declaring her position on the war on Gaza, with more than 14,686 people signing a petition demanding that Sephora, one of the most popular cosmetics retailers, remove all Huda Beauty products from its shelves across the United States.

The petition noted that Huda Kattan publicly declared her stances against Israel, which the signatories considered a message of hatred towards a nation.

"Over the past week, we have seen many atrocities in Gaza, our hearts are with those who are suffering and suffering there," Kattan wrote yesterday on Huda Beauty's Instagram account, adding, "The implementation of our usual schedule seems unimportant at the moment, despite the leak of the large color palette this year (one of Huda Beauty's most prominent cosmetics), and we received many messages, we decided not to publish what we planned."

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Since the beginning of the war on Gaza, Kattan, an American of Iraqi origin, has announced the suspension of her activities to promote her cosmetics products called "Huda Beauty", and the use of her personal platform on Instagram to inform the world about the events in Gaza, by publishing videos in English to respond to the misinformation of the Western media.

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Earlier, Kattan posted on her brand's Instagram account a post in which she wrote, "I am terrified of the scenes coming from Gaza. Time is running out for Gaza's children, and hundreds of children have already been killed and injured. Hospitals are overcrowded, and the numbers are rising. UNICEF is on the ground to provide support, but it needs our help. In times of crisis, donations can make a big difference. We donated to support the cause and send urgent aid."

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A post shared by HUDA BEAUTY (@hudabeauty)

In another post, Kattan wrote, "Israel, which has the fourth largest army in the world, is not the victim, but they repeat the same story and highlight anyone who comes up with the facts."

Huda Kattan's posts were met with a fierce comment campaign by Israeli followers threatening to boycott her products, and an Israeli follower wrote to her, "I don't know if you noticed that Israelis from all over the world love you and love your products, and despite all their money, I chose Gaza, so remember that when Israelis start boycotting your products all over the world," she also claimed that in Gaza they do not have money to buy her products, Huda Kattan wrote "I don't want stained money." with blood."

Another wrote, "If you had only confessed to the atrocities committed against innocent Jews in Israel on October 7, I would still respect you. I understand why your heart breaks for the Palestinians. I have discarded all the Huda Beauty products I own and will not buy any of your products in the future."

A group of influencers worldwide launched a fierce campaign to boycott Huda Kattan's products, and in return many influencers in the Arab world and Huda Kattan's followers called for their support through social media platforms, and on the other hand to buy their products.

Huda Kattan has 3.2 million followers on Instagram, while the cosmetics brand account has 53.7 million followers.