Teller Report

A unified headline for Algerian newspapers: Gaza. Media assassinates the truth

10/22/2023, 8:16:55 PM

Highlights: A unified headline for Algerian newspapers: Gaza. Media assassinates the truth. The initiative coincided with the Algerian press's celebration of its National Day on October 22 each year. The publishers stressed that the Western media has become a non-neutral party, choosing to side with Israel by promoting or fabricating the lies of politicians and military personnel. The head of the Media Publishers Syndicate in Algeria, Riad Hoili, told Anadolu Agency that this step is a precedent in the Algeria and Arab media.

The most prominent Algerian newspapers issued on Sunday a unified headline on their front pages: "Gaza... Media assassinates the truth," he said, coinciding with the Algerian press' celebration of its National Day.

The most prominent Algerian newspapers issued on Sunday a unified headline on their front pages: "Gaza... Media assassinates the truth," she said, accusing the Western media of bias towards the Israeli narrative of the war on Gaza.

The initiative coincided with the Algerian press's celebration of its National Day on October 22 each year.

More than 30 Algerian governmental and private newspapers, in Arabic and French, published a common headline in their fronts: "Gaza... A media that assassinates the truth."

Algerian newspapers unite their headlines and condemn Western media for spreading lies (Anatolia)

The newspapers considered that the current Israeli war on Gaza since October 7 has exposed the double standards of the West, highlighted the bias of the Western media in favor of the Israeli narrative, and criticized the publication of Western media information that turned out to be false later, such as allegations that Palestinian militants beheaded Israeli children, and the claim that the Israeli army was not responsible for the bombing of the Baptist Hospital in Gaza.

"We condemn the professional and moral fall of the Western media in its biased coverage of the war on Gaza, and its dedication to the distorted stereotype of the truth, as it has not only been biased, but has become a false propaganda machine by falsifying facts to mislead public opinion and justify Israel's political and military violations," the Algerian publishers said in a statement.

Falsification of facts

The publishers stressed that the Western media has become a non-neutral party, choosing to side with Israel by promoting or fabricating the lies of politicians and military personnel, which is a key player in the war, closing the eye of the truth, and keeping the eye of misinformation.

The head of the Media Publishers Syndicate in Algeria, Riad Hoili, told Anadolu Agency that this step is a precedent in the Algerian and Arab media, adding that publishers and owners of media institutions have allocated a special number of solidarity with the Palestinians and to reject the assault on professional values by the Western media, which violated the ethics of the profession of journalism based on truth and human freedom of expression, objectivity and neutrality.

The head of the Publishers Syndicate considered that many Western media institutions have turned into machines for planting disinformation, inverting facts and falsifying news, hence publishing officials in Algeria chose the unified title.

The move also aims to show the Algerian media's support for just causes, foremost of which is the cause of the Palestinian people, according to the head of the Publishers Syndicate.

For the 16th consecutive day, the Israeli army continues to target Gaza with massive airstrikes that destroyed entire neighborhoods, killing 4651,14245 Palestinians, injuring <>,<> others, and an unspecified number under the rubble.