Teller Report

The President of Poland called pigs those who participated in the elections during the Polish People's Republic

10/19/2023, 3:06:15 PM

Highlights: Polish President Andrzej Duda called those who went to the polls during the Polish People's Republic (PRP) pigs. He added that the turnout for the elections was inflated through falsifications. The outcome of the parliamentary elections in Poland may be negative for Ukraine in the context of allied relations with Warsaw, according to Fox News. The results of the elections are expected to be announced in the coming days and could have a major impact on relations between Ukraine and Poland. The Polish parliament is expected to elect a new government on December 18.

Polish President Andrzej Duda called those who went to the polls during the Polish People's Republic (PRP) pigs.

During his speech at the congress of the Solidarity trade union, he touched on the topic of record turnout in the elections, noting that democracy in the country has taken root and Poland has grown significantly since 1989.

"For we all remember perfectly well that until 89 only pigs went to the polls," RIA Novosti quoted Duda as saying.

He added that in the People's Republic of Poland, the turnout for the elections was inflated through falsifications.

According to Fox News, the outcome of the parliamentary elections in Poland may be negative for Ukraine in the context of allied relations with Warsaw.