Teller Report

Leakage of about 400 million customer information of "Yamada Apiary" NTT West Japan subsidiary unauthorized leakage

10/19/2023, 8:25:56 PM

Highlights: Leakage of about 400 million customer information of "Yamada Apiary" NTT West Japan subsidiary unauthorized leakage. A former temporary employee who was in charge of operation and maintenance of the call center system at a subsidiary of NTT has personal information of about 900 million of local governments and companies. It is believed to be the largest number of victims, and the Okayama Prefectural Police Headquarters has started an investigation on suspicion of violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Law. The information covered is the customer's name, address, phone number, etc.

【NHK】 A former temporary employee who was in charge of operation and maintenance of the call center system at a subsidiary of NTT West Japan has personal information of about 900 million of local governments and companies ...

A former temporary employee who was in charge of operation and maintenance of a call center system at a subsidiary of NTT West Japan illegally leaked approximately 900 million personal information of local governments and companies, and it was found that about 400 million of these cases were customer information of companies in Okayama Prefecture. It is believed to be the largest number of victims, and the Okayama Prefectural Police Headquarters has started an investigation on suspicion of violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Law.

NTT Business Solutions Corporation, a subsidiary of NTT West Japan, revealed that a former temporary employee who was in charge of the operation and maintenance of call center systems illegally leaked approximately 1 million personal information held by 10 local governments and companies to which the business was outsourced over a period of nearly 59 years until January.

Due to this problem, Yamada Apiary in Kagamino Town, Okayama Prefecture, which sells health foods and other products, which had outsourced part of its operations to NTT Business Solutions, revealed on the 900th that approximately 400 million customer information may have been leaked.

This is the largest number of cases so far, and the information covered is the customer's name, address, phone number, etc.

In addition, interviews with investigators revealed that the Okayama Prefectural Police Headquarters, which was consulted by the company, has started an investigation on suspicion of violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Law.

The police are working to clarify the details of how and under the circumstances of the leaked information.