Teller Report

INTEGRAL - Europe Evening of 19/10/2023

10/19/2023, 6:16:07 PM

Highlights: Hélène Zélany and her guests will discuss the issues of the day. The show will be broadcast live on Europe 1 on Wednesday, October 19, at 20h04. For more information about the show, visit Europe For the full episode, visit the Europe Soir channel on the following websites: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The Europe Evening program is presented by Hélene ZéLany and John Defterios, and is hosted by John defterios. The program is also available on iTunes.

Find the full " Europe Evening" with Hélène Zélany and her guests, on Europe 1.

Hélène Zelany SEASON 2023 - 202420h04, October 19, 2023

Watch the full episode of "Europe Soir" with Hélène Zélany and her guests on Europe 1.


Jean-Pierre Obin, former Inspector General of National Education, author of "Les profs ont peur" published by l'Observatoire

Laurent Kaufmann, Federal Secretary of the SGEN-CFDT

Nicole Bacharan, Political scientist specializing in American politics, author of "The Most Resistant of All" published by Stock