Teller Report

France Bomb threats at tourist spots and airports

10/19/2023, 11:35:35 PM

Highlights: On the 19th in France, there was a bomb threat at the Palace of Versailles. This is the fourth threat since the 14th. Bomb threats were also issued at 18 airports in Japan on the 17th. Some people are beginning to worry about the impact of the threats on daily life. In France, a high school teacher was killed with a knife by a man believed to be linked to Islamic extremist organizations. The vigilance against terrorism has been raised to the highest level nationwide.

[NHK] On the 19th in France, where caution against terrorism is increasing, there was a bomb threat for the fourth time at the Palace of Versailles, a tourist attraction, and tourists who visited were forced to evacuate ...

In France, where caution against terrorism is increasing, on the 19th, the fourth bomb threat was made at the Palace of Versailles, a tourist attraction, forcing tourists to evacuate, and bomb threats were also issued at several airports in Japan, and concerns about the impact on daily life are beginning to be voiced.

Amid the tense situation in the Middle East, a high school teacher in the north was killed with a knife by a graduate man on the 13th in France, and the investigative authorities are investigating links to Islamic extremist organizations, and the vigilance against terrorism has been raised to the highest level nationwide.

Under these circumstances, according to local media, on the 19th, there was a bomb threat at the Palace of Versailles, a tourist attraction, and tourists who visited were forced to temporarily evacuate.

This is the fourth bomb threat since the 14th.

In addition, according to airport authorities in various parts of France, bomb threats were issued at 19 airports in France, including Lille and Nantes, on the 13th, forcing passengers to temporarily evacuate most airports, and some airports canceled flights.

According to the French government, bomb threats were issued at 18 airports in Japan on the 17th, and a total of 130 flights were canceled, and some people are beginning to worry about the impact of the successive bomb threats on daily life.