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China News Network Commentary: Postdoctoral work as a traffic police officer is a big deal

10/19/2023, 5:55:35 AM

Highlights: Zhang Lei was selected as the person on the list of the second season of the 15 "Beijing Role Model - The Most Beautiful Policeman" In recent years, more and more highly educated talents have devoted themselves to the grassroots level and served basic positions. Zhang Lei chose to go to the traffic accident department of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau because he had more contact with Beijing's traffic management department when he was studying. He believes that the real main battlefield of scientific research is not universities and research institutes, but front-line combat units.

Beijing, October 10 ( -- Recently, the story of traffic police officer Zhang Lei has attracted the attention of many people, and he has been on Weibo hot search for the label "Tsinghua postdoctoral fellow as a traffic police officer for 19 years of investigation without errors and omissions". In July this year, Zhang Lei was selected as the person on the list of the second season of the 15 "Beijing Role Model - The Most Beautiful Policeman".

A postdoc became a traffic policeman, why? In recent years, more and more highly educated talents have devoted themselves to the grassroots level and served basic positions. Some voices believe that these highly educated young people go to the grassroots level for overuse, while others believe that because of employment pressure, they can only "put down their bodies".

"I want to do something practical, and there's a lot to be done in this area." Zhang Lei's words are loud, which to a certain extent responds to the confusion of young people and the doubts of netizens.

In 2008, Zhang Lei chose to become an ordinary traffic police officer with multiple choices such as colleges, scientific research units, state-owned enterprises, and foreign companies. Just as many people now think that highly educated people go to the grassroots level for overkill, at that time, family and friends thought that the place to go was "small".

But Zhang Lei chose to go to the traffic accident department of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau because he had more contact with Beijing's traffic management department when he was studying, and knew that the country's first provincial-level public security traffic appraisal judicial center had been established there. He believes that the real main battlefield of scientific research is not universities and research institutes, but front-line combat units that can apply what they have learned.

The picture shows Zhang Lei Image source: People's Public Security Daily

From a personal point of view, this is a two-way rush between realizing personal ideals and work, not only giving play to personal strengths, but also testing the effectiveness and enriching theoretical knowledge in the front-line exploration. At the social level, affirm the career choices of highly educated talents at the grassroots level, reflect diversified talent evaluation standards, and encourage personal ideals to be closely linked with national development.

After Zhang Lei participated in public security work, he undertook 7 scientific research projects at or above the provincial and ministerial level, presided over and participated in the formulation of 11 industry standards, and won 1 second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. At the same time, assigned by the Ministry of Public Security and invited by the Ministry of Justice, he has participated in the training of more than 8000,<> traffic police and judicial experts across the country, making outstanding contributions to standardizing the handling of road traffic accidents and judicial appraisal in China.

Meritorious achievements, wide range of talents. It is not new for highly educated talents to devote themselves to the grassroots and serve basic jobs. The development of various social undertakings is inseparable from outstanding talents, and not only universities, research institutes and other units need masters and doctors. The development of the central and western regions, rural revitalization, county economy and grassroots work require a large number of talent support and intellectual support, and they use their full knowledge, broad vision and rich resources to link a new channel of high-quality development.

The frontier of innovation can not only be achieved in high-level scientific research institutes, the grassroots level is also promising, and front-line practice is a training ground for cultivating high-level talents and innovation teams. Expand talent employment channels, fully tap the advantages of human resources, accelerate the innovation-driven development of all walks of life, effectively allocate these highly educated talent resources, and transform them into high-quality development power. (End)