Teller Report

"Shode Saitama" Nikaido Fumi and others "apologize" to the governors of Saitama and Shiga

10/19/2023, 10:05:57 PM

Highlights: "Shode Saitama" Nikaido Fumi and others "apologize" to the governors of Saitamas and Shiga. The sequel to the movie "Shode Saitama," which became a hot topic due to the self-deprecating story of Sainama Prefecture, will be released next month. An event was held in Tokyo on the evening of the 19th in which the performers apologized to Governor Ohno and Governor Mikazuki of Shiga Prefecture.

【NHK】Before the sequel to the movie "Shode Saitama", which became a hot topic due to the self-deprecating story of Saitama Prefecture, will be released next month, Saitama and Shiga prefectures will be knocked down in the movie ...

Ahead of the release of the sequel to the movie "Shode Saitama," which became a hot topic due to the self-deprecating story of Saitama Prefecture, next month, an event was held in Tokyo on the evening of the 19th for the performers to apologize to the governors of Saitama and Shiga prefectures who will be knocked down in the movie.

"Shode Saitama ~From Lake Biwa with Love~", which will be released next month as a sequel to the movie "Shode Saitama", which has become a hot topic by thoroughly scrutinizing Saitama Prefecture, will be set in Kansai, and Shiga Prefecture will also be taken down.

Prior to the film's release, an event was held in Tokyo on the evening of the 19th in which the performers apologized to Governor Ohno of Saitama Prefecture and Governor Mikazuki of Shiga Prefecture.

Fumi Nikaido, Ryo Kato, and director Hideki Takeuchi told Governor Ohno of Saitama Prefecture, "I'm sorry I made a sequel."

When I bowed to Governor Mikazuki of Shiga Prefecture, saying, "Also, I apologize for the inconvenience caused to Shiga Prefecture," Governor Mikazuki replied, "Why Shiga Prefecture!

When the last film was released four years ago, Saitama Prefecture attracted a lot of attention, and Governor Ohno said, "I would like to use this film as an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with Shiga Prefecture, and I hope that people who have seen the film will visit places related to the prefecture."

Governor Mikazuki of Shiga Prefecture said, "I want people to learn about Lake Biwa, its specialties, and its history through films, and I would like to continue to interact with Saitama Prefecture to liven up the film."