Teller Report

William Poromaa: "I need to get even better at that"

10/18/2023, 6:45:30 AM

Highlights: William Poromaa won a bronze medal in the five-miler last spring. The 22-year-old is aiming for his first World Cup victory this year. He sees a major high-altitude investment during the pre-season as a big part of his development. "To be careful to analyze, for example, the finishes of the competitions and that part. That's one thing I think I need to get even better at," he says. "I learned a lot last year, to really decide where and when to decide"

William Poromaa has several third places in the World Cup and won a bronze medal in the five-miler last spring. This year, he is aiming for his first victory and has identified an area for improvement. "I learned a lot last year," he told SVT Sport.

William Poromaa won his first championship medal in Planica, Slovenia, when he won a bronze medal in the five-miler. As the 22-year-old prepares for his first season without a championship, the focus is on the overall World Cup and perhaps not least the Distance Cup where he sees his chances as the best.

"I haven't won a World Cup and I'm aiming for that. I feel confident that I will continue to work hard and want to develop all the time," he says.

"Will be an important thing in the future"

With several podiums behind him, only third places, he wants to take the next step.

He sees a major high-altitude investment during the pre-season as a big part of his development. Another key to taking further steps, he says, lies in being well prepared for the competitions.

"I learned a lot last year, to really decide where and when to decide at the competitions, to be even more on the ball. It will be an important thing for me in the future. To be careful to analyze, for example, the finishes of the competitions and that part. That's one thing I think I need to get even better at," he says.

Quick questions for the cross-country stars

  • What will you be doing in 10 years?

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  • What do you do if you need to pee during the race?

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  • Any race you regret?

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  • What is your best ski race?

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  • What's the worst thing about cross-country skiing?

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  • What do you think about during a three/five-mile race?

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  • What's the first thing you do after finishing?

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  • Who has the messiest room?

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  • Who will win the Tour de Ski?

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  • What's the best thing about cross-country skiing?

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