Teller Report

Global AI Governance Initiative

10/18/2023, 5:55:07 AM

Highlights: Global AI Governance Initiative.. Artificial intelligence is a new field of human development. At present, the rapid development of global artificial intelligence technology. has a far-reaching impact on economic and social development and the progress of human civilization. At the same time, AI technology also brings unpredictable risks and complex challenges. AI governance is a common issue facing all countries in the world. We welcome governments, international organizations, enterprises, scientific research institutions, non-governmental organizations and individual citizens to work together to promote AI governance.

Artificial intelligence is a new field of human development. At present, the rapid development of global artificial intelligence technology has a far-reaching impact on economic and social development and the progress of human civilization, bringing great opportunities to the world. At the same time, AI technology also brings unpredictable risks and complex challenges. AI governance is a common issue facing all countries in the world.

In the context of multiple challenges to world peace and development, all countries should uphold the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, adhere to the principle of attaching equal importance to development and security, build consensus through dialogue and cooperation, build an open, fair and effective governance mechanism, promote the benefit of artificial intelligence technology to mankind, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

We reiterate that all countries should strengthen information exchange and technical cooperation in AI governance, jointly do a good job in risk prevention, form a broad consensus AI governance framework and standards and norms, and continuously improve the safety, reliability, controllability and fairness of AI technology. We welcome governments, international organizations, enterprises, scientific research institutions, non-governmental organizations and individual citizens to uphold the concept of consultation, co-construction and sharing, and work together to promote AI governance.

To this end, we advocate:

——The development of artificial intelligence should adhere to the concept of "people-oriented", take the improvement of the common well-being of mankind as the goal, ensure social security and respect human rights and interests as the premise, and ensure that artificial intelligence always develops in a direction conducive to the progress of human civilization. Actively support the use of artificial intelligence to help sustainable development, and respond to global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity conservation.

– When providing AI products and services to other countries, they should respect the sovereignty of other countries, strictly abide by the laws of other countries, and accept the jurisdiction of other countries' laws. Oppose the use of the advantages of artificial intelligence technology to manipulate public opinion, spread false information, interfere in other countries' internal affairs, social systems and social order, and endanger the sovereignty of other countries.

——The development of artificial intelligence should adhere to the purpose of "intelligence for good", abide by applicable international law, conform to the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom of all mankind, and jointly prevent and combat terrorism, the abuse of artificial intelligence technology by extremist forces and transnational organized crime groups. All countries, especially major countries, should adopt a cautious and responsible attitude towards the development and use of artificial intelligence technology in the military field.

——The development of artificial intelligence should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and all countries, big or small, strong or weak, regardless of social system, have the right to develop and use artificial intelligence equally. Encourage the world to jointly promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence, share artificial intelligence knowledge achievements, and open source artificial intelligence technology. Oppose ideological demarcation or the construction of exclusive groups to maliciously obstruct the development of artificial intelligence in other countries. Oppose the use of technological monopoly and unilateral coercive measures to create barriers to development and maliciously block the global artificial intelligence supply chain.

——Promote the establishment of a risk level testing and evaluation system, implement agile governance, classify and hierarchical management, and respond quickly and effectively. R&D entities continue to improve the interpretability and predictability of artificial intelligence, improve the authenticity and accuracy of data, ensure that artificial intelligence is always under human control, and create auditable, supervisable, traceable and trustworthy artificial intelligence technology.

-- Gradually establish and improve laws and rules to ensure personal privacy and data security in the development and application of artificial intelligence, and oppose theft, tampering, leakage, and other illegal collection and use of personal information.

-- Adhere to the principles of fairness and non-discrimination, and avoid bias and discrimination against different or specific ethnic groups, beliefs, countries, genders, etc. in the process of data acquisition, algorithm design, technology development, product development and application.

-- Adhere to ethics first, establish and improve AI ethical norms, norms and accountability mechanisms, form AI ethics guidelines, establish a scientific and technological ethics review and supervision system, clarify the responsibility and power boundaries of AI-related subjects, fully respect and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all groups, and respond to relevant domestic and international ethical concerns in a timely manner.

– Adhere to the principles of broad participation, consensus and gradual progress, closely track technological developments, carry out risk assessment and policy communication, and share best operational practices. On this basis, through dialogue and cooperation, on the basis of fully respecting the differences in policies and practices of various countries, we will promote the active participation of multiple stakeholders and form a broad consensus in the field of international AI governance.

– Actively developing the development and application of relevant technologies for AI governance, supporting the use of AI technology to prevent AI risks, and improving the technical capabilities of AI governance.

– Enhance the representation and voice of developing countries in the global governance of AI, ensure equal rights, equal opportunities and equal rules for AI development and governance among all countries, carry out international cooperation and assistance for developing countries, and continuously bridge the intelligence gap and governance capacity gap. Actively support the discussion of the establishment of an international AI governance body under the framework of the United Nations to coordinate major issues in international AI development, security and governance.