Teller Report

A quick overview of the fifth episode of "The Road to Prosperity", "Walking New"

10/16/2023, 6:45:36 AM

Highlights: In the past decade, China and 31 co-construction countries have launched the "Belt and Road" green development partnership initiative. In Kenya, along the Mongolian railway built by Chinese companies, giraffes can pass through bridges with a net height of more than 6.5 meters without scruples. In Nigeria, China's digital experience has also allowed the first logistics conveyor belt and the first express face scanning machine. In Budapest, Hungary, Chinese companies have built a modern factory covered with 5G IoT technology.

This is a time of rapid change, and the digital wave is changing the world at an unprecedented rate;

This is another challenging era, with climate change, biodiversity loss, desertification intensification and frequent extreme weather events sounding the alarm for mankind.

In such an era, how to join hands with the countries that jointly build the "Belt and Road" to build a better future?

On April 2019, 4, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation: "Take green as the background, promote green infrastructure construction, green investment, green finance, and protect the common home on which we live." Jointly explore new technologies, new formats and new models, and seek new growth drivers and development paths. ”

In the port of Tema in Ghana, the construction of four container terminals is in full swing, and the first baby turtles burst out of their shells at the turtle breeding center set up by the engineering team.

These small beauties are just a microcosm of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature on the Green Silk Road.

In Kenya, along the Mongolian railway built by Chinese companies, giraffes can pass through bridges with a net height of more than 6.5 meters without scruples; the Argentine wind farm, operated by Chinese companies, has been ecologically restored and giant windmills have become a new landscape.

In the past decade, China and 31 co-construction countries have launched the "Belt and Road" green development partnership initiative. It cooperates with more than 100 countries and regions around the world in the fields of solar power generation, wind power, hydropower, and thermal energy.

Green is becoming a beautiful background for the Belt and Road Initiative.

Eric Solheim, former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme and President of the Belt and Road International Institute for Green Development: "'Green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains. I believe that a green Belt and Road may be one of the most important development paths in the world in the future, or even one of the none." ”

In the past decade, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has flourished, and digital technology has developed rapidly. However, many developing countries are trapped in the "digital divide" due to their weak information technology foundation.

Volkan Bozkel, President of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly: "The 'digital divide' has the potential to become a new form of inequality. ”

In rural Nigeria, Chinese companies are launching the "Village Star" program, which brings small solar mobile base stations to remote areas, providing network access over a range of more than 2 kilometers.

Orugir Felix, a communications engineer at a telecommunications company in China: "When I told them that we were helping them improve the quality of their communications, everyone was happy. ”

In Nigeria, China's digital experience has also allowed the first logistics conveyor belt and the first express face scanning machine; In Budapest, Hungary, Chinese companies have built a modern factory covered with 5G IoT technology.

In the past decade, China has shared its digital technology and successful experience with countries that jointly built the "Belt and Road". The Digital Silk Road has built a solid community of digital destiny.

Chile has the purest skies and a richer range of stars than the Northern Hemisphere. In the "Belt and Road", scientific and technological cooperation has allowed two distant countries, China and Chile, to join hands to explore the broader unknown territory of human science.

René Enders, associate professor in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Chile: "What I like most about my Chinese colleagues is that when they have a goal, they are so determined and decisive, and they do not hesitate to spend time, energy and resources to achieve it. ”

In the past ten years, the "Belt and Road" has been jointly built in the fields of green, digital, science and technology, and has moved forward in the fields of green, digital, and technology, so that the road to happiness for the benefit of the world has been spread wider and farther.

Written by丨Guo Qian

Editor丨Luo Chen

Videography丨Li Wenbo Chen Jiaqi


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