Teller Report

"New" in Many Fields Flourishing China's economy is breaking through long winds and waves, and the future can be expected

10/16/2023, 1:44:44 AM

Highlights: "New" in Many Fields Flourishing China's economy is breaking through long winds and waves, and the future can be expected. In the first eight months of this year, the production and operation of China's small and medium-sized enterprises continued to recover. China's steel industry follows a low-carbon development roadmap with "low consumption, low pollution and low emissions" as the core. The rapid development of a new generation of information technology represented by cloud computing has continuously stimulated the development vitality of traditional industries.

CCTV News: Today (October 10), according to the "News Network" report, in the first eight months of this year, the production and operation of China's small and medium-sized enterprises continued to recover. In fact, as the pace of 15 enters the golden autumn October, China's economy has ushered in the "harvest season" in many fields, and the trend of stability and improvement is obvious, boosting the confidence of all parties.

In the first eight months of this year, the production and operation of China's small and medium-sized enterprises continued to recover

The latest data shows that at present, the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises has maintained a recovery trend, enterprise expectations, procurement and other indicators have ended the downward trend, and the production and operation of small and medium-sized enterprises have continued to recover.

The latest data shows that from January to August this year, the electricity consumption of small and micro enterprises increased by 1.8% year-on-year. Among them, the electricity consumption of "little giant" enterprises and specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises increased by 2.4% and 12.7% respectively year-on-year. With a series of policies and measures to stabilize growth, the confidence index of small and medium-sized enterprises reached 9.6% and the procurement index reached 8.61% in August, up 9.50 percentage points and 6.7 percentage points respectively from July.

At present, small and medium-sized enterprises maintain strong innovation vitality, and innovation results such as key technologies and advanced processes have achieved remarkable results. Data show that from January to August this year, the added value of industrial small and medium-sized enterprises above designated size increased by 1.8% year-on-year. The revenue profit margins of "little giant" enterprises and specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises reached 3.6% and 10.3% respectively.

China's steel production as a proportion of global total production has further increased

The reporter learned from the 10th China International Steel Conference and the 15 Global Low-carbon Metallurgy Innovation Forum held in Shanghai today (October 2023) that in 2023, China's steel production will grow steadily, accounting for a further increase in the proportion of global total output, and the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of the steel industry is also accelerating.

Data show that in 2022, China's steel production accounted for 53.9% of the world's total production. China's steel industry follows a low-carbon development roadmap with "low consumption, low pollution and low emissions" as the core, and continues to promote ultra-low emissions and extreme energy efficiency. In the first eight months of this year, the company's energy consumption per ton of steel decreased by 8.0% year-on-year, electricity consumption per ton of steel decreased by 1.0%, new water consumption per ton of steel decreased by 36.3%, sulfur dioxide emissions per ton of steel decreased by 4.14%, and particulate matter decreased by 7.14%. More than 1 million tons of production capacity has been completed or is implementing ultra-low emission transformation, and the emission intensity of air pollutants of key steel enterprises has reached the world's advanced level.

In addition, in the past year since the opening of the first green product certification platform in China's industrial field, the number of registered users has reached nearly 3000,20, and more than 54 enterprises have issued <> reports, which not only show the green and low-carbon of Chinese steel, but also provide Chinese solutions for the world's low-carbon steel standards.

Communication technology companies have increased investment in the "cloud" industry

Since the beginning of this year, the rapid development of a new generation of information technology represented by cloud computing has continuously stimulated the development vitality of traditional industries while giving birth to emerging industries. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in the first half of this year, the scale of the cloud computing market exceeded 2600 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of more than 40%. For a time, major domestic telecommunications companies and Internet companies have increased their investment in the "cloud" industry.

According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, with the acceleration of digital transformation and the continuous maturity of cloud technology, China's cloud market will still be in a period of rapid development, and it is expected that by 2025, the overall market size will exceed one trillion yuan.

The trillion-square-meter new gas zone in Xinjiang's Tarim Basin has entered the stage of comprehensive development

Today (October 10), PetroChina announced that China's largest ultra-deep condensate gas field, Tarim Oilfield Bozi-Dabei Gas Field, has been fully completed and put into operation, marking that the new trillion-square-meter atmospheric area in the Tarim Basin has entered a new stage of large-scale development, and the safe and stable gas supply of west-to-east gas transmission has added new guarantees.

The gas field belongs to the new trillion cubic meters of atmospheric area discovered in the ultra-deep Tarim Oilfield in recent years, where more than 100 deep wells have been drilled, and it is expected to produce more than 90 billion cubic meters of condensate and more than 60,<> tons of condensate this year.

Over the past 10 years, economic and trade cooperation between China and the countries has yielded fruitful results

In the past ten years since the "Belt and Road" initiative was proposed, economic and trade cooperation between China and the joint construction countries has yielded fruitful results.

Data one: $19.1 trillion. From 2013 to 2022, the total import and export volume of China and the countries jointly building the "Belt and Road" amounted to US$19.1 trillion, with an average annual growth rate of 6.4%.

Data two: nearly $2.9 trillion. In 2022, the total import and export volume of China and the jointly built countries will be nearly US$2.9 trillion, accounting for 45.4% of China's total foreign trade value in the same period, an increase of 2013.6 percentage points over 2.

Data 3800: More than $3800 billion. Over the past decade, China's two-way investment with the joint construction countries has exceeded US$2400 billion, of which China's outward direct investment has exceeded US$<> billion, injecting important impetus into global trade and investment development.

The 134th Canton Fair opened The scale of the exhibition reached a new high

Today (October 10), the 15th Canton Fair opened in Guangzhou, and the scale of the exhibition reached a new high. According to statistics, more than 134,5 overseas buyers attended the conference on the first day of opening. The total exhibition area of this year's Canton Fair is 155.2 million square meters, with more than 8,<> exhibitors, and the exhibition area and the number of exhibitors have reached a new high.

The total number of exhibition areas of this year's Canton Fair has increased to 55, which better meets the one-stop procurement needs of buyers. In addition, among the exhibitors of this year's Canton Fair, the number of brand enterprises in the mechanical and electrical industry increased significantly compared with the previous edition, with an increase of more than 120% in electronic home appliances and more than 100% in industrial manufacturing.

The Canton Fair further expanded the scale of the import exhibition, with 43 enterprises from 650 countries and regions participating in the exhibition, of which 60% were exhibitors from the "Belt and Road" countries.

The "high-precision and cutting-edge" exhibits of the 2023 China Marine Equipment Expo were unveiled

The 2023 China Marine Equipment Expo closed today (October 10), a number of new technologies and achievements in the field of marine equipment were unveiled, and the commercial cooperation signed reached more than 15 billion yuan, and China's marine equipment field is constantly making new breakthroughs.

In recent years, China's marine equipment has continued to make new breakthroughs in high-tech research and development and construction. The world's largest offshore floating production storage and unloading vessel has entered the application stage, the first domestic large cruise ship has completed sea trials, and the proportion of high value-added ships produced in China has continued to rise, and China's wisdom is injecting new vitality into the development of the world's navigation equipment industry.

The 2400th China International Patent Technology and Products Fair More than <>,<> patent projects participated in the exhibition

As the most well-known professional brand event in China's patent technology and product display and trading, the 10th China International Patent Technology and Products Fair was held in Dalian from October 14 to 16, focusing on displaying intellectual property achievements leading the digital transformation of industries and high-value patented technologies and products in related fields.

It is understood that from 2016 to 2022, the number of invention patents authorized in the core industries of China's digital economy will increase by an average annual rate of 18%. By the end of 2022, the effective number of invention patents in China's core industries of digital economy reached 160.38 million, accounting for <>% of the total effective number of invention patents, which strongly supported the digital transformation and upgrading of the industry.

China Securities Regulatory Commission: Adjust and optimize the securities lending system and play a counter-cyclical adjustment role

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) adjusted and optimized the relevant systems of securities lending yesterday (October 10), and the Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing stock exchanges subsequently issued arrangements to optimize securities lending transactions and securities lending transactions under the Facility Connect. Experts said that this will help strengthen the counter-cyclical adjustment of securities lending and maintain the order of securities market transactions.

The CSRC's adjustment and optimization of the relevant systems for securities lending mainly include: at the end of securities lending, the margin ratio for securities lending will be increased from not less than 50% to 80%, and the margin ratio for private securities investment funds participating in securities lending will be increased to 100%; At the lending end, the lending by executives and core employees of listed companies through special asset management plans established through participation in strategic placements is abolished, and the lending methods and proportions of other strategic investors in the initial stage of listing are appropriately restricted.

In the specific arrangements of the Exchange, it is particularly emphasized that strategic investors who lend allotted shares shall not collude with securities financing investors or other entities to lock in the proceeds of placing shares, carry out profit transmission or seek other improper benefits. At the same time, the exchange requires that it should follow the principles of fairness and controllable risks, establish and improve the distribution mechanism of securities financing sources, and prevent the transmission of benefits; Investors should be verified in accordance with the principle of penetration, and the management of investors' securities lending should be strengthened.

Qinghai Lake National Park has a proposed area of 1,16 square kilometers

Recently, the reporter learned from the Qinghai Lake Scenic Area Protection and Utilization Administration Bureau that the scope of Qinghai Lake National Park is planned to be 1,16 square kilometers, of which the core protected area is 0,51 square kilometers and the general control area is 0,65 square kilometers.

According to the relevant requirements for the establishment of national parks, the proposed Qinghai Lake National Park is currently delineated to involve Tianjun County, Haiyan County, Gangcha County and Gonghe County of Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and basically include Qinghai Lake and other plateau lakes, rivers, alpine swamp wetland ecosystems, as well as rare and endangered wild animals and plants such as black-necked cranes, Qinghai Lake nudibranchs and Przewalski's gazelles.

Among them, the core reserve of Qinghai Lake National Park includes the core area and buffer zone of Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve, the source area of the main rivers entering the lake, the habitat of rare and endangered species such as Przewalski's antelope, the key migration channel of Qinghai Lake nudibranch, and the key area of bird migration channel, which is the most excellent ecological environment, the most important biodiversity conservation, the most critical ecological service function, the least interference from human activities, and the most critical area of the symbiotic ecological chain of "human-grass-water-fish-bird-beast".

Small and medium-sized enterprises, steel industry, "cloud" industry, resource development, "Belt and Road", exhibitions, science and technology, financial policies, ecological construction... Whether it is internal or external, whether it is traditional industries or emerging industries, the development momentum of all parties is good, which also shows that the development trend of China's sustained recovery is stable and the future can be expected.