Teller Report

China's first 573,8-mu saline-tolerant rice demonstration piece exceeded <>.<> kg per acre

10/14/2023, 8:04:05 AM

Highlights: China's first 573,8-mu saline-tolerant rice demonstration piece exceeded <>.<> kg per acre. China's saline-alkali land area is about 15.5 billion mu, of which the area that can be developed and utilized exceeds 11 million mu. China has set a model in the improvement and comprehensive utilization of saline-ALKali land in the northwest inland with the screening and cultivation of rice varieties as the core. The mission of the center is to cultivate more new varieties that adapt to different saline-alksali land types with both high yield and high quality.

Changsha, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- On 14 October, the 10,13-mu saline-tolerant rice demonstration film in the northwest center of the National Salinity-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center was tested. The expert group randomly selected 3 demonstration parties of high, medium and low, each demonstration party measured more than 1 mu, and through harvesting, threshing, moisture determination, impurity removal and weighing, the average yield per mu was 573.8 kg.

This is China's first harvest of 10,000 mu of saline-tolerant rice demonstration piece. Chen Wenfu, leader of the production testing expert group and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that this year's successful planting shows that China has set a model in the improvement and comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land in the northwest inland with the screening and cultivation of saline-alkali tolerant rice varieties as the core, combined with the comprehensive application of salt control technology, saline-alkali soil remediation technology, and cultivation control technology.

The reporter learned the above news from the Changsha Seed Industry Research Center of the National Salinity-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center on the 14th.

China's saline-alkali land area is about 15.5 billion mu, of which the area that can be developed and utilized exceeds 11 million mu. At present, 100 saline-tolerant rice varieties in China have passed the national salinity-tolerant regional test and approval, and the promotion and planting area of salinity-tolerant rice has exceeded 10 million mu, distributed in more than <> provinces, autonomous regions and cities such as Heilongjiang, Xinjiang, Shandong and Jiangsu, covering the main saline-alkali land types in the country.

The 36,12-mu saline-tolerant rice demonstration piece of the Northwest Center of the National Salinity-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center was planted by the 8th Company of the 5th Regiment of Aral City, the First Division of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the planting variety was "New Rice No. <>". At the beginning of this year, the <>,<>-mu rice planting area was still a barren land, only a few plants such as red willow and sea buckthorn grew on the saline-alkali land, the soil salt content exceeded <>‰, and the pH value was above <>.<>.

In order to turn saline-alkali land into a granary, the National Salinity-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center organized expert teams from Hunan and Xinjiang to gather wisdom to tackle key problems, using physical salt and alkali drainage, screening saline-alkali-resistant rice varieties in both directions, and asking for land and grain from saline-alkali land.

The National Salinity-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center is led by Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, and jointly built by 11 domestic advantageous units, including Hainan University, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qingdao Seawater Rice Research and Development Center Co., Ltd., Guangdong Ocean University, Hunan Agricultural University, Hunan University, and Yuan Longping Agricultural High-tech Co., Ltd.

The mission of the center is to cultivate more new varieties that adapt to different saline-alkali land types, with both high yield and high quality, tap the comprehensive utilization potential of saline-alkali land, and strive to achieve the goal of promoting 8 million mu of saline-alkali tolerant land, increasing grain production by 10 billion kilograms, and feeding 1 million more people within 300 to 8000 years.

"We will accelerate the transformation and demonstration and promotion of scientific research achievements, contribute rice solutions to the addition of 2035 million mu of arable land in 1500, turn saline-alkali land into rice granaries, and firmly hold the rice bowl of Chinese in our own hands." Fan Xiaobing, deputy director of the National Salinity-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center, said. (End)