Teller Report

The announcement: Halland will retain all three hospitals

10/12/2023, 2:15:13 PM

Highlights: Hospitals in Halmstad, Varberg and Kungsbacka will remain. Region Halland's website allows residents to take part in the documentation. Mikaela Waltersson, chair of the regional board (M), says: "This is the biggest decision of my political career" The first crucial decision will be made in December, says Waltersson. The decision will determine how healthcare in Halland should be developed, she says. The people of Halland can have their say on the region's website.

Billions in investments await Region Halland when the future of hospitals in the county is to be decided. However, the politicians have already agreed on a direction where the current three hospitals in Halmstad, Varberg and Kungsbacka will remain. "This is the biggest decision of my political career," says Mikaela Waltersson (M).

In the clip, Mikaela Waltersson (M) answers three questions before the decisions that will determine the future of hospitals in Halland.

The people of Halland can have their say

On Region Halland's website, there is now an opportunity for residents in the county to take part in the documentation and also influence the decisions that will now be made about the future of healthcare.

"The opinions will be presented to us, and we will present it to the outside world, then it will be taken into account in the assessment of how healthcare in Halland should be developed," says Mikaela Waltersson, chair of the regional board (M).

A first crucial decision will be made in December.