Teller Report

Manturov said that in 2024 Russia intends to produce 15 PD-14 engines

10/12/2023, 3:54:25 PM

Highlights: Russia plans to produce 40 PD-8 aircraft engines and 15 PD-14 engines in 2024. Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov said the United Engine Corporation sets the task of increasing the supply of engines tenfold by 2030. Ural Airlines CEO Sergey Skuratov said that the airline had applied for the purchase of 38 domestic MC-21 aircraft. He was speaking at the plenary session "Engine building on afterburner. Priorities of the Industry in Modern Conditions" in Moscow.

Next year, Russia plans to produce 40 PD-8 aircraft engines and 15 PD-14 engines. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister - Head of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

He stressed that the United Engine Corporation sets the task of increasing the supply of engines tenfold by 2030.

"As early as next year, it is necessary to produce over 40 PD-8 engines for the import-substituted SJ-100 and a dozen and a half PD-14 engines for the medium-haul MS-21-300 with subsequent scaling of serial production," TASS quoted Manturov as saying at the plenary session "Engine building on afterburner. Priorities of the Industry in Modern Conditions".

Earlier, Ural Airlines CEO Sergey Skuratov said that the airline had applied for the purchase of 38 domestic MC-21 aircraft.