Teller Report

Cancel! Refund! Time out! Tourism companies urgently respond to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

10/12/2023, 12:17:26 AM

Highlights: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant embassies and consulates abroad issued a security reminder, advising Chinese citizens not to travel to Israel and Palestine for the time being. Some travel agencies have cancelled tours to Israel, some online travel platforms have issued full refunds, and business such as Israeli tours has been suspended. Some airlines cancel or suspend flights, including Hainan Airlines, which has suspended flights between Shenzhen and Tel Aviv from October 10 to 12. The diplomatic department reminded that in view of the current special circumstances, if Chinese citizens insist on going after the issuance of the Do Not Go reminder, they may face extremely high security risks.

Beijing, 10 Oct (Zhongxin Net) -- At present, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to escalate. In response to the current tense Palestinian-Israeli situation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant embassies and consulates abroad issued a security reminder, advising Chinese citizens not to travel to Israel and Palestine for the time being. Some travel agencies have cancelled tours to Israel, some online travel platforms have issued full refunds, and business such as Israeli tours has been suspended. Some airlines cancel or suspend flights.

On October 10, local time, during Israeli air strikes, thick smoke and fireballs rose over a building in the Gaza Strip.

Chinese citizens are reminded not to travel to Israel and Palestine

Recently, the conflict between Israel and armed groups in the Palestinian Gaza Strip has continued to escalate, Israel has declared a "state of war", and the security situation between Israel and Palestine is grim.

In this regard, the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Office in Palestine remind Chinese citizens to pay close attention to the development of the local situation and not to travel to Palestine in the near future.

The Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Israel remind Chinese citizens to pay close attention to the development of the local situation and not to travel to Israel in the near future.

The diplomatic department reminded that in view of the current special circumstances, if Chinese citizens insist on going after the issuance of the Do Not Go reminder, they may face extremely high security risks and may affect the effectiveness of their assistance.

Cancel! Refund! Time out! Tourism companies respond urgently

Spring Travel told Zhongxin Financial Reporter that the cancellation of the group scheduled to depart on October 10 is the first team planned to go to Israel in Spring and Autumn Tourism. In addition, departures from the end of October and beginning of November have now been confirmed to be cancelled.

Tongcheng Travel told China New Finance that after the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Tongcheng Travel quickly screened all orders involving its region, and so far, Tongcheng Travel has no tourists stranded in Israel. Tongcheng Travel contacted the overseas team as soon as possible to understand the local situation and reported to the Chinese Embassy in Israel in accordance with the regulations.

For tour groups planning to travel to Israel in October and November, Tongcheng Travel has fully communicated with all relevant visitors and has processed the full refund without damage. In addition, related business work related to the registration of tourism in Israel has been suspended.

Screenshot of Hainan Airlines announcement.

Hainan Airlines official website issued an announcement on the evening of the 10th, due to public safety reasons, after careful assessment of safety risks and passengers' travel needs, it was decided that from October 10 to 12, Hainan Airlines will normally implement two direct flights between Shenzhen = Tel Aviv every Tuesday and Friday, and suspend flights between Beijing and Shanghai and Tel Aviv. In the future, we will pay close attention to changes in the overseas security situation and timely announce the flight adjustment plan of Israeli routes.

Cathay Pacific announced on the 9th that in response to the development of the situation in Israel, Cathay Pacific will cancel flights CX2023 from Hong Kong to Tel Aviv and CX10 flights from Tel Aviv to Hong Kong on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 and Thursday, October 10, 12. (End )