Teller Report

Åkesson on the election promise: Ringhals will probably not be restarted

10/12/2023, 7:03:52 PM

Highlights: Åkesson on the election promise: Ringhals will probably not be restarted. During the election campaign, the Sweden Democrats pushed for an investigation. Christian Democrat leader Ebba Busch said after the election that a restart would be both expensive and stupid. What they are instead focusing on right now is how quickly it will be possible to get new nuclear power in place in Sweden.. I still think it would have been the quickest way, says Jimmie ÅKesson for 30 minutes.

There will probably be no restart of Ringhals 1 and 2, which the Sweden Democrats were clear that they wanted to see in the election campaign. "I think the other parties want to make other priorities," SD leader Jimmie Åkesson said on SVT's 30 minutes.

There are different opinions within the Tidö parties about the restart of Ringhals 1 and 2. During the election campaign, the Sweden Democrats pushed for an investigation into whether the nuclear reactors could be restarted as soon as possible. Christian Democrat leader Ebba Busch said after the election that a restart would be both expensive and stupid.

In SVT's 30 minutes, Jimmie Åkesson says that he is confident that at least one of the reactors could have been restarted. But that's unlikely to be the case.

Will focus on new nuclear power

"I haven't let go of the issue, but it's obvious that the other parties in the coalition have changed their minds and set other priorities. I still think it would have been the quickest way, says Jimmie Åkesson for 30 minutes.

What they are instead focusing on right now, according to Åkesson, is how quickly it will be possible to get new nuclear power in place in Sweden.