Teller Report

"Golden Nine" reappears Domestic automobile production and sales have stepped on the accelerator wildly

10/12/2023, 1:23:28 AM

Highlights: "Golden Nine" car market has returned, and the sales of car companies have also continued to rise. In September this year, the sales growth rate of 10 car companies with sales of more than 9,5 exceeded 9%. Production and sales in September were 9.285 million units, up 285.8% m/m, up 10.7% y/y, and up 6.6% yr/yr. "September ushered in very bright results, with a number of data reaching record highs," said Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of CAAM.

On October 10, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as "CAAM") released data showing that domestic automobile production and sales in September this year increased by more than 11% month-on-month. On the same day, data from the Passenger Vehicle Market Information Joint Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Passenger Vehicle Association") showed that retail sales of passenger cars in September this year increased by 9% year-on-year. The "Golden Nine" car market has returned, and the sales of car companies have also continued to rise. According to statistics, in September this year, the sales growth rate of 10 car companies with sales of more than 9,5 exceeded 9%.

"Production and sales in September hit a new high in the same period in history, and the car market showed a strong trend in the off-season, and the peak season was even stronger." Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said that the heat of the car market has continued, and the "golden nine silver ten" effect has reappeared.

The peak season is even more prosperous

According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in the first three quarters of this year, automobile production and sales were 2107.5 million and 2106.9 million units, respectively, an increase of 7.3% and 8.2% year-on-year. Production and sales in September were 9.285 million units, up 285.8% m/m, up 10.7% y/y, and up 6.6% y/y, respectively. "September ushered in very bright results, with a number of data reaching record highs." Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of CAAM, said.

The car market rose, and the retail sales trend of passenger car terminals also rose. According to data released by the Passenger Association of China, in the first three quarters of this year, the retail sales of the passenger car market reached 1523.3 million units, a year-on-year increase of 2.4%. Among them, retail sales in September reached 9.201 million units, a year-on-year increase of 8%. From the perspective of various sectors, independent brands are the most eye-catching. In September this year, self-owned brand retail sales reached 5.9 million units, up 107% year-on-year and 20.7% month-on-month. Retail sales of mainstream joint venture brands were 9,67 units, down 12% year-on-year and up 4% month-on-month. Retail sales of luxury vehicles were 27,7 units, down 4% y/y and <>% m/m.

The strong sales of independent brands are not unrelated to new energy vehicles. According to data released by the China Passenger Association, the new energy vehicle market retailed 9,74 units in September this year, a year-on-year increase of 6.22% and a month-on-month increase of 1.4%. Among them, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles among own brands reached 2.59%. Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the Passenger Association, said: "Independent brands have achieved significant increases in the new energy market, leading traditional car companies have performed well in transformation and upgrading, and the brand share of traditional car companies such as BYD Automobile, Changan Automobile, and Geely Automobile has increased significantly. ”

It is worth mentioning that with the continuous expansion of the domestic new energy vehicle market, the trend of sales concentration to the head car companies is becoming more and more obvious. According to statistics from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in the first three quarters of this year, the sales volume of the top ten enterprise groups in new energy vehicle sales totaled 545.50 million units, a year-on-year increase of 4.86%, accounting for 8.7% of the total sales of new energy vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 5.<> percentage points.

At the same time, the main passenger car manufacturers also performed strongly. The relevant person in charge of the passenger association revealed: "In September this year, there were 9 passenger car companies with sales of more than 34,4 units (an increase of 50 from the previous month). Among them, there are 6 companies with a year-on-year growth rate of more than 10%, and a total of 18 companies with a year-on-year growth rate of more than 9%. In addition, the Beijing Business Daily reporter learned that in September this year, the wholesale sales of new energy vehicle companies exceeded 17,2 units, an increase of <> year-on-year.

"In September, the quarterly sprint target driven by the auto market significantly strengthened the promotion, the promotion of fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles increased month-on-month, and the consumer demand for car purchases was released." Cui Dongshu said that policy guidelines for the automotive industry at the national level are frequent, aiming to further stabilize and expand automobile consumption. Among them, the Ministry of Commerce promoted the "9 Cities Linkage" Auto Festival and the "Thousand Counties and Ten Thousand Towns" new energy vehicle consumption season activities showed results, and various promotional measures such as auto shows and the issuance of consumption coupons in various places had a good effect on boosting consumer confidence.

MPV running wild

The car market is heating up, and the market segment is also directly pulled.

The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) mentioned that among the main passenger car varieties in September this year, the production and sales of multi-purpose passenger vehicles (MPVs) increased compared with the same period last year, while the production and sales of basic passenger cars (sedans) and crossover passenger cars decreased to varying degrees.

At the same time, data from the Passenger Association showed that in the first three quarters of this year, the retail sales of MPV in the domestic market increased by 18% year-on-year. Among them, the number of models above the B segment in the MPV market increased by 40%. "MPVs have achieved super growth under the incremental effect of new products, and the proportion of model sales distribution reflects the changing trend of vehicle large-scale and model upgrades." Cui Dongshu told a reporter from Beijing Business Daily.

Previously, according to the statistics of the Passenger Association, in the first 7 months of this year, MPV wholesale sales increased by 22.5% year-on-year. "The share of MPVs in narrow passenger cars rose to 3.8% from 4.3% last year, which is also the first recovery in the past five years," said a person from the passenger association. "The recovery of the MPV market is due to the launch of marketable new models by various car companies.

In recent years, the launch of models such as the Denza D9, FAW Toyota Griveia, SAIC-GM Buick Century, Lantu Dreamer, and GAC Trumpchi E9 has rapidly heated up the MPV market. "MPVs have the unique selling points of wide driving space and long cargo space, which is a good choice for IKEA." Relevant people from the passenger association said that at the same time, with the liberalization of the "two-child" policy, the changes in the multi-child and large-scale families are prominent, and the growth of large families has brought huge demand for medium and large MPV markets.

When the demand for family travel is superimposed on the transformation of electrification, the electrification of MPVs has become a threshold for various car companies to compete for. Data show that Denza D9 sales exceeded 9,9 units again in September this year. The explosion of the Denza D90 also brought electric MPVs into the public eye. News of the upcoming launch of new energy MPV models such as Weipai Gaoshan, Ideal MEGA, and Volvo EM<> has also been frequently exposed. According to people related to Li Auto, MEGA will be officially released at the end of this year and launched to the market next year.

According to the "China Household MPV Market Insight Report" released by iResearch, there is still room for improvement in household MPV products at this stage, and they are currently improving and upgrading in the direction of intelligence, networking, energy saving and youthfulness. "Electrification has improved the driving experience of MPV products and expanded more travel scenarios." Cui Dongshu said.

The "Silver Ten" has arrived

The "Golden Nine" has gone higher, and the "Silver Ten" has arrived.

Xu Haidong said: "Based on the current situation, domestic automobile production and sales this year are expected to hit a record high, more than 2800 million vehicles, and the results of 2900 million vehicles are not impossible, but the specific depends on the market situation in the fourth quarter." Chen Shihua believes that in the first three quarters of this year, the production and sales scale of new energy vehicles has exceeded 600 million, and there is still the last quarter of this year.

At the same time, relevant people of the Passenger Association analyzed that there were 10 working days in October this year, one working day more than in October last year, which is conducive to the increase in production and sales in the car market. In addition, since the retail sales of passenger cars in October last year were only 19.10 million units, lower than the retail sales volume of 10.184 million units in August last year, and the seasonal consumption pattern was abnormal, the year-on-year retail sales growth potential in October and November this year is greater.

"With the accumulation of the effect of the national consumption promotion policy, the positive factors in the economic operation continue to increase, although the market still has a few days to recover after the 'November' long holiday, but from mid-October began to enter the market acceleration period at the end of the year, and the growth environment of the car market in October was better." Cui Dongshu thought.

In fact, the "Silver Ten" car market has begun to increase. During the "Eleventh" period, a reporter from Beijing Business Daily visited and found that car companies released new models and gave terminal preferential prices before the double festival, attracting many consumers to buy cars in stores during the double festival, and the passenger flow of 4S stores increased significantly. A brand salesperson told a reporter from Beijing Business Daily: "During the double festival, the store not only could not receive the consultation on the purchase of a car, but even needed to queue for a test drive. ”

A relevant person from the China Automobile Dealers Association told the Beijing Business Daily reporter: "In October this year, in order to sprint the fourth quarter performance and complete the annual set target, car companies are boosting sales through 'fancy' promotions, and increasing the amount of tasks required for dealers. Beijing Business Daily reporter Liu Yang Liu Xiaomeng

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In the first three quarters, "going to sea" increased by 60%.

On October 10, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) released data showing that automobile exports in the first three quarters of this year reached 11.338 million units, a year-on-year increase of 8%. Among them, passenger car exports were 60.283 million units, up 9.67% y/y. From the perspective of subdivisions, the export of traditional fuel vehicles was 4.256 million units, a year-on-year increase of 3.48%; Exports of new energy vehicles reached 3,82 units, a year-on-year increase of 5.1 times. In September this year, automobile exports were 1,9 units, up 44% month-on-month and 4.9% year-on-year. This means that car exports exceeded 47,7 units for two consecutive months.

With the growth of export volume, the position of Chinese car companies in the international market has also continued to improve. According to data from the China Passenger Association, exports of own-brand vehicles reached 9,29 units in September this year, up 7% year-on-year and 46% month-on-month. In the list of new energy vehicle brands, among the top five manufacturers in the export ranking in September this year, only Tesla is a foreign-funded enterprise.

The participation of China-made new energy vehicles in international competition has also allowed Chinese car companies to stand in the spotlight of the global auto market. At this year's Munich Motor Show, nearly 50 Chinese companies participated in this year's auto show, accounting for about 7.4% of the total exhibitors. At the same time, the passenger car brands of Chinese car companies accounted for 1/3 of the passenger car brands at this year's Munich Motor Show. It is understood that all Chinese car companies have accelerated their expansion into overseas markets. Previously, Extreme Fox Motors successively announced that it signed a letter of intent and cooperation agreement with Japan's TURING Company and the UAE's Benomir Holding Group Co., Ltd., respectively, and will enter the Japanese and UAE markets in the future.

As Chinese cars accelerate their "going to sea", they also make the European market feel "panic". On October 10 this year, the European Commission issued a statement saying that it launched a countervailing duty investigation process for imported electric vehicles made in China, targeting pure electric passenger cars with 4 seats or less from China, covering the period from October 9, 2022 to September 10, 1.

"At the end of last year, China's new energy vehicle subsidies have been completely withdrawn, and in order to level the competition, the state requires local governments to not subsidize new energy vehicles from the end of 2018 to regulate market order." Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Passenger Vehicle Market Joint Association, said that the countervailing duty investigation initiated by the European side was only based on subjective assumptions about the so-called subsidy projects and damage threats, lacked sufficient evidence to support it, and did not comply with relevant WTO rules.

There are reports that the EU has started to distribute questionnaires to electric vehicle manufacturers importing from China, including but not limited to multinational companies and wholly Chinese enterprises. This has made the outside world worry that the EU investigation will affect Chinese car companies to "go overseas".

"The main force of China's automobile exports is traditional fuel vehicles, and China's new energy vehicles also play a big role. Chinese automobiles are highly competitive internationally and accepted by foreign consumers. Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said that the price of China's new energy vehicles abroad is higher than that in China, and the EU's investigation of Chinese car companies from the perspective of subsidies is a measure taken by some countries to worry about the competitiveness of Chinese automobiles, hoping to delay the impact of Chinese car companies on their market.

In Xu Haidong's view: "Trade alone cannot prevent Chinese car companies from rising globally, because the core of the rise of Chinese car companies lies in the rise of product competitiveness, and good products can make global consumers choose." ”

Xu Haidong expects China's auto exports to exceed 450.<> million units this year.

Beijing Business Daily reporter Liu Yang Liu Xiaomeng