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Hot interpretation|Understand Xi Jinping's cultural thought from these eight words

10/11/2023, 1:13:45 AM

Highlights: Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought, China's propaganda, ideological and cultural undertakings in the new era have made historic achievements. "Body" refers to the ontology, that is, the national spirit, values, and excellent culture of the Chinese nation, and also refers to scientific ideas and theories. These eight characters aim to organically combine scripture and doctrine with governance, and clarify the great significance of theory guiding practice. After the establishment of a moderately prosperous society, people's wallets have become more and more bulging.

Recently, an important conference, the National Conference on Propaganda, Ideology and Culture, was held in Beijing. Compared with the past, the name of this meeting has added the word "culture", and the most important achievement is the first time Xi Jinping Cultural Thought was proposed.

The meeting pointed out that Xi Jinping Cultural Thought has both innovation and breakthroughs in cultural theory and viewpoints, as well as deployment requirements in the layout of cultural work, and the meeting summarized the great significance of this idea with the eight words of "clear body and body, and body and through".

"Enlightenment of the body, integration of the body" is a traditional Chinese philosophical wisdom, which also has rich modern significance. "Body" refers to the ontology, that is, the national spirit, values, and excellent culture of the Chinese nation, and also refers to scientific ideas and theories; "Use" refers to practice. These eight characters aim to organically combine scripture and doctrine with governance, and clarify the great significance of theory guiding practice. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought, China's propaganda, ideological and cultural undertakings in the new era have made historic achievements, and the situation in the ideological field has undergone overall and fundamental changes, which reflects the dialectical unity between theory and practice.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has placed propaganda, ideological and cultural work in an important position in governing the country, profoundly grasped the historical orientation of the new era, and put forward a series of new ideas, new views and new theories on cultural construction with firm cultural consciousness, broad historical vision and far-reaching strategic considerations:

In August 2013, at the first national conference on propaganda and ideological work after the 8th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the general secretary stressed that "ideological work is an extremely important work of the party";

In October 2017, the report of the 10th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the major proposition of "new cultural mission" for the first time, calling for "promoting the prosperity of socialist culture";

In August 2018, the National Conference on Propaganda and Ideological Work summarized the understanding of the regularity of propaganda and ideological work with the "Nine Persistences", and the general secretary stressed in his speech that "unifying thinking and rallying forces must be regarded as the central link of propaganda and ideological work";

In July 2021, at the celebration of the 7th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the major thesis of "two combinations" was officially put forward for the first time, that is, "insisting on integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and with China's excellent traditional culture";

In October 2022, the 10th National Congress of the Communist Party of China focused on cultural construction from five aspects, requiring that "we must adhere to the path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics";

In June 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly summarized the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, and deeply elaborated on the "two combinations", especially the "second combination";


Civilization is endless, and ideas keep pace with the times. As pointed out by the National Conference on Propaganda, Ideology and Culture, Xi Jinping Cultural Thought is a constantly expanding and open ideological system, which will surely be enriched and developed with the deepening of practice.

In this important instruction on propaganda, ideology and cultural work, the general secretary put forward the important requirements of "seven efforts" and clarified the road map and task book for cultural construction in the new era.

From a theoretical point of view, Xi Jinping Cultural Thought has enriched and developed Marxist cultural theory, constituting the cultural chapter of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, further improving Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, marking that our party's understanding of the law of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics has reached a new height, indicating that our party's historical and cultural self-confidence has reached a new height.

From a practical point of view, the general secretary's important instructions have made detailed arrangements for all aspects of the layout of cultural work, and have a strong guiding nature, providing a powerful ideological weapon and scientific action guide for doing a good job in publicizing ideological and cultural work in the new era and new journey and undertaking new cultural missions.

From a practical point of view, the proposal of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought reflects that China attaches more importance to cultural development and will realize the people's yearning for a better life as the "great of the country" for the construction of a cultural power in the new era. After the establishment of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the people's wallets have become more and more bulging, their jobs have become more and more stable, they have the material foundation of cultural self-confidence, and the pursuit of a higher level of spiritual and cultural life has increasingly become a realistic demand.

If the thinking is clear, the direction is clear.

Since the new era, under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, China's propaganda, ideological and cultural undertakings have made a series of historic achievements:

A series of documents have been issued one after another, such as the Implementation Program for the Construction of Civic Morality in the New Era, the Implementation Program for Patriotic Education in the New Era, and the Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work in the New Era.

China Internet Civilization Conference, China Internet Conference, "Clean Network" and "Qinglang" governance actions have accelerated the cultivation of a healthy culture on the Internet.

The Beijing Winter Olympics, Chengdu Universiade and Hangzhou Asian Games showed the world the grace of Chinese culture and inclusiveness;

A series of main diplomatic activities, such as the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, the High-level Dialogue between the Communist Party of China and World Political Parties, and the Beijing Cultural Forum, tell China's story and experience to the world.


China's excellent traditional culture has been continuously creatively transformed and innovatively developed, China's national image has been continuously improved, the people's cultural self-confidence has been significantly enhanced, and their spiritual outlook has become more vigorous.

The National Conference on Propaganda, Ideology and Culture Work requires that the study, research and interpretation of Xi Jinping's cultural thought be continuously strengthened, and consciously implemented in all aspects and the whole process of propaganda, ideology and culture work, and at the same time, clear requirements are put forward for promoting the implementation of various work: from persistently using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, to consolidating and strengthening the mainstream ideological public opinion in the new era; From extensively practicing the core values of socialism to promoting the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and industries; From strengthening and improving external propaganda work to resolutely and effectively preventing and defusing ideological risks. Every item must be implemented in the spirit of nails, and each item must show a new atmosphere and new deeds.

Follow the avenue, to thousands of miles.

Facing the future, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought, the sons and daughters of China will unite the power of national rejuvenation with a high degree of cultural self-confidence, jointly create a new culture belonging to our era, and write a new chapter of modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Director system丨Luo Hongbing, Wei Shuhu

Producer丨Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief丨Li Xuan

Editor: Wang Zhuojie

Vision丨Hao Fenglin

Proofreader丨Li Dan, Sun Xiaoyuan, Yan Tiantian

Produced by CCTV