Teller Report

Super "Golden Week", what does the data say?

10/10/2023, 5:34:15 AM

Highlights: Super "Golden Week", what does the data say?. During the eight-day holiday, 8 million domestic tourists traveled, and domestic tourism revenue was 8.26 billion yuan. In 8 days, Henan received 8480.1 million tourists, 212.2% of the same period last year and 2019. Hot cities are getting hotter, and small and medium-sized cities are also starting to heat up. Transport facilities such as railways, railways, and public services must be in place to allow tourists to reach their destinations.

News 1+1丨Super "Golden Week", what does the data say?

During the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday, the consumption potential of Chinese residents was effectively released, and the hot tourism consumption led to a significant increase in sales revenue of accommodation and catering services, cultural and sports services. During the eight-day holiday, 8 million domestic tourists traveled, and domestic tourism revenue was 8.26 billion yuan. Looking at consumption from travel, looking at confidence from consumption, is the past 7534-day long holiday a super "golden week"? "News 3+8" attention: Super "Golden Week", what does the data say?

What do you think of the tourism report card of the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day Super Golden Week?

Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Research Institute: We have indeed experienced the most popular tourism super "Golden Week" in history, both the number of trips and tourism revenue, both exceeded the same period in 2019, and this year's May Day and summer vacation also achieved this goal. It can be said that our tourism economy has fully recovered to the level of the same period in 2019, and more than 8 million domestic tourists have spent a prosperous, peaceful and orderly Golden Week.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday, Henan had more than 8000 million tourists

Relevant data released by 26 provinces show that Henan temporarily ranks first in terms of the number of tourists received. According to data from the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, in 8 days, Henan received 8480.1 million tourists, 212.2% of the same period last year and 2019.127% of the same period in 9.

Henan tourism, why is it so popular during the National Day holiday?

Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Research Institute: The base of Henan's total population exceeds 83 million. According to national figures, <>% of tourists are generated by urban and rural residents within the province. That is to say, the economic and social development of a province to a certain extent, the larger the population base, theoretically speaking, the greater the number of tourists generated.

How to see that Henan's per capita tourism consumption is lower than that of Jiangsu?

Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Research Institute: First of all, we assume that the data released by various places are uniform and comparable, and I think this difference is not difficult to explain. Because more than 80% of tourists are generated by local residents, and less than 17% of tourists come from outside the province, the most fundamental factor that determines the average travel cost per person in a place is the travel rate of local urban and rural residents. In other words, the higher the level of economic and social development of a place, the higher the travel capacity and consumption rate of local tourists. Therefore, in this sense, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other coastal developed areas, per capita tourism consumption is higher than that in the central and western regions, which is also a normal phenomenon.

Super "Golden Week": Hot cities are getting hotter, and small and medium-sized cities are also starting to heat up

Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Research Institute: During the holidays, I can clearly feel that everyone is a tourist, and Shenzhou is full of scenery. The Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin, the Temple of Confucius in Nanjing... These head scenic spots are still willing to visit places for tourists, and many popular cities are also places with the highest concentration of tourists. However, we also see that there are 246 cities with airports in the country, excluding hub cities, or some cities with more developed tourism, and 205 cities dominated by non-regional airports, and the popularity of scenic spots and hotels around these cities has also increased significantly than before. It means that the personalized consumption of the majority of tourists is up, my itinerary is my decision, and where I want to go is also my decision. More and more small and medium-sized cities have begun to become tourist destinations with a certain popularity.

How to further expand the travel radius and make the tourism market bigger and bigger?

Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Research Institute: First of all, infrastructure is a key factor in the development of tourism. Transport facilities such as railways, civil aviation and highways must be in place to provide smooth travel and allow tourists to reach their destinations. If transportation is inconvenient and public services cannot be guaranteed, it will be difficult for tourists to stay, even if there are attractive tourism resources. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to the improvement of infrastructure, public services and business environment in tourist destinations.

The new tourism game stimulates consumption power and adds vitality to the economy

Among the data released by 26 provinces, Jiangsu achieved a high total tourism revenue, which was 907.59 billion yuan. According to UnionPay business data, in the 7 days before the holiday, Jiangsu's total cultural tourism consumption was 175.55 billion yuan, accounting for 10.62% of the country, accounting for the first place in the country.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day Super Golden Week, the cultural tourism market directly and obviously drove consumption

Guo Liyan, Director of the Situation Office of the Decision Consulting Department of the China Academy of Macroeconomic Research: This long holiday, the cultural tourism market has directly and obviously driven the consumption of key industries in key areas, and it can be said that a series of measures taken by various regions across the country to promote consumption and stimulate the cultural tourism market are currently entering a concentrated period of effectiveness. Including the creation of cultural tourism agglomeration areas, the optimization and improvement of the night economy service environment, and the development of a series of precise tourism products for different groups of people, these efforts have accelerated the release of the consumption potential of the current holiday market. We also know that having leisure and money can make everyone more assured and more happy to go to "poetry and distant places". This characteristic of this holiday is very obvious, which makes us more confident that the accelerated recovery of consumption throughout the year will be a stable and lasting force. Moreover, the upgraded consumer market such as performing arts driven by cultural tourism is also very active. In the performing arts market in key regions, revenue has doubled. All these show that the current household consumption potential is accelerating, and this potential space is expected to be further expanded in the future.

How to innovate more tourism methods and further increase the driving of tourism to consumption?

Guo Liyan, Director of the Situation Office of the Decision Consulting Department of the China Academy of Macroeconomic Research: We have also done a series of case studies, for example, many regions have created a series of consumption scenarios with a greater sense of delivery, experience and immersion with the help of their old streets, old hutongs, commercial streets, and prosperous shopping streets, attracting more consumers to travel slowly and reflecting more cultural tourism service projects. In the whole process, everyone has a more sense of interaction, a sense of communication, and a sense of satisfaction in cultural tourism consumption, which has enriched the holiday market. It can be said that it is not only to provide consumption coupons to enhance everyone's spending power, but also to further stimulate everyone's willingness and enthusiasm for consumption.

What role does the tourism boom during the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day Golden Week have on economic development?

Guo Liyan, Director of the Situation Office of the Decision Consulting Department of the China Academy of Macroeconomic Research: Cultural tourism consumption occupies a very typical position in residents' consumption. In the first half of the year, the contribution of final consumption to the entire economy has exceeded 77%. Driven by basic consumption such as cultural tourism, the contribution of consumption to economic growth in the first three quarters is expected to remain above 70%, and looking forward to consumption throughout the year, it will be the main driving force for the steady recovery of the entire economy. Cultural tourism consumption is not only from the perspective of consumption to drive the recovery of the economy, but also through consumption to the related manufacturing industry to achieve a drive, stabilize and create more jobs, increase income, and then promote consumption, and consumption rebound will drive supply, forming a virtuous cycle of chain. This enhanced domestic demand has an endogenous driving effect on the overall economic growth.