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World Focus Hangzhou Asian Games Close: Short Love, Perfect Host|World View

10/9/2023, 3:23:04 AM

Highlights: World Focus Hangzhou Asian Games Close: Short Love, Perfect Host|World View. In the past 16 days, China has presented the world with an Asian Games event with "Chinese characteristics, Asian style and splendid colors", attracting global attention to Hangzhou. The wonderful closing ceremony of "The Most Remembered is Hangzhou", the brilliant achievements of the athletes and the touching memories inside and outside the competition field attracted the attention and admiration of overseas media. The Asian Games is not only a stage for sports competition, but also a platform for cultural exchanges and enhanced understanding.

In the past 16 days, China has presented the world with an Asian Games event with "Chinese characteristics, Asian style and splendid colors", attracting global attention to Hangzhou., October 10 (Zhang Naiyue) The 9th Asian Games ended brilliantly in Hangzhou on the evening of the 19th. In the past 8 days, China has presented the world with an Asian Games event with "Chinese characteristics, Asian style and splendid colors", attracting global attention to Hangzhou. The wonderful closing ceremony of "The Most Remembered is Hangzhou", the brilliant achievements of the athletes and the touching memories inside and outside the competition field attracted the attention and admiration of overseas media.

On the evening of October 10, the closing ceremony of the 8th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. Photo by Shi Chunyang

The closing of a "Chinese romance"

The stunning scene of the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games seems to be still in front of us, and the glorious closing ceremony staged a moving "Chinese romance", which aroused the admiration of the outside world.

The theme of the closing ceremony was "Hangzhou is the most memorable", and the Times of India carried a detailed report on the title of "The Unforgettable Hangzhou Asian Games Ended at the Wonderful Closing Ceremony".

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reported the "romantic" details of the closing ceremony of the Asian Games, saying that the return of digital fireworks brought a complete experience to the audience and also showed environmental significance, and praised the short-lived fireworks display as "wonderful and spectacular"; The digital torchbearer returned to show everyone's hearts, and then the effect of "jumping" onto the roof of the stadium was even more "amazing".

The Indian Express also noted the return of the digital torchbearer, "He's back!" The digital torchbearer embodies the development of modern culture and technology, which has inspired innovation in art, philosophy, sports. This cultural heritage will be remembered forever in the digital age of the Asian Games. ”

The Indian media also noted that picking flowers to give to friends at the time of parting is a tradition that has existed since ancient times in China, and is "one of the most romantic scenes" when Chinese farewells, and the closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games also carried forward this Chinese tradition of farewell.

A "perfect host"

The brilliant results of the Hangzhou Asian Games are amazing. As of the evening of October 10, the athletes of this Asian Games have broken the world record 7 times, the Asian record 15 times, and the Asian Games record 37 times, jointly creating a new glory for Asian sports.

Agence France-Presse reported on the closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games and called it "the largest Asian Games ever". The outlet also mentioned that the event made the audience feel "very moved and proud".

Vinod Kumar Tivari, acting director general of the Olympic Council of Asia, described the Hangzhou Asian Games as a "high-level" and "one of the best Asian Games in history" and thanked China for "showing a wonderful Asian Games event".

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Acting President of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) President Manmohan Singh praised China as "the perfect host and the OCA will never forget that".

A "touching memory"

The Asian Games is not only a stage for sports competition, but also a platform for cultural exchanges and enhanced understanding. On the field, the athletes left a highlight moment of hard work, and off the field, many participants also left touching memories.

A reporter from Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao wrote that through this Asian Games, he "felt a lot of things that he had not felt before, experienced what he had not experienced before, and was very satisfied."

The South China Morning Post noted that the video from the closing ceremony showed the "moving moments" of the Asian Games — scenes of people embracing and celebrating, and emotional moments for athletes to release their emotions.

Singapore's Straits Times reported the story of a chess player whose 84-year-old Cambodian chess player said, "No matter how old I am, I'm here because I love the sport." It feels great to be back in China again, and I see a huge change in the country. I was also well looked after in terms of meals and accommodation. ”

The Asian Games also touched people because of everyone's dedication. The Olympic Council of Asia thanked the volunteers for their efforts on official social media, "They rise to every challenge with a smile and make the Hangzhou Asian Games another home for athletes and lovers!" ”

Image source: Netizen social media screenshot

The Hangzhou Asian Games also demonstrated peace, unity and tolerance in Asia. After the closing ceremony, some netizens wrote, "This Asian Games reminds us that even if the event is over, we are not alone, we are the same Asia." (End)