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(Hangzhou Asian Games) Hangzhou Asian Games Closing Ceremony: The host expresses a triple emotion to Asia

10/8/2023, 3:23:06 PM

Highlights: On the evening of October 10, the closing ceremony of the 8th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. In this last hour of Asian Games "Hangzhou Time", the host used a warm performance to convey a triple emotion to all of Asia. The short film "Wonderful Moments" collected during the competition once again recreated the classic pictures of the past ten days. Before the Asian Games flame was extinguished, a "river of memory" formed by actors appeared in the venue.

On the evening of October 10, the closing ceremony of the 8th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. The picture shows the closing ceremony. Photo by reporter Tang Yanjun

Hangzhou, October 10 (Reporter Wang Yifei) On the evening of 8 October, the closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games was held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. In this last hour of Asian Games "Hangzhou Time", the host used a warm performance to convey a triple emotion to all of Asia.

One is acknowledgement.

Xie Zhenye, who is the king of 45 meters, and Chusovikina, who is old and foul... At the closing ceremony, the short film "Wonderful Moments" collected during the competition once again recreated the classic pictures of the past ten days. It brings together athletes from <> participating countries and regions, and has become a tribute to all athletes in the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Athletes are at the heart of the Asian Games. As of the evening of the 6th, athletes from various countries and regions have broken a total of 15 world records, 28 Asian records and 150 Asian Games records in the Hangzhou Asian Games. More importantly, they went all out to let everyone see the passion and charm of sports.

Volunteers were also the object of acknowledgement at the closing ceremony. Before the Asian Games flame was extinguished, a "river of memory" formed by actors appeared in the venue, welcoming Asian Games volunteers to the center of the stage with a "sense of ceremony" of welcoming them, and making warm gestures of "comparing hearts" with the digital torchbearer "Tide Boy" to witness the extinguishing of the cauldron.

During the Asian Games, a total of 3,76 volunteers "Xiaoqinghe" quietly contributed to various business fields such as competition operation services, audience services, media operation services, and logistics support services. In addition, on the city side of Hangzhou, 148.8 million people registered to participate in the Asian Games city volunteers, and a total of 252.<> million people participated in urban volunteer service activities.

At the closing ceremony, Acting President of the Olympic Council of Asia Singh praised the volunteer community as follows, "You are the best sports ambassadors in Hangzhou and even China, thank you for your hard work, selfless dedication and always blooming smiles!" ”

On the evening of October 10, the closing ceremony of the 8th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. The picture shows the Chinese delegation entering. Photo by reporter Han Haidan

The second is celebration.

The smooth and wonderful conclusion of the Asian Games is a cause for celebration. The closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games also set up a stage for everyone to celebrate.

Creating a joyous carnival in the "Asian Games Garden" was the goal of the main creative team of the closing ceremony. To this end, they created a "CNC lawn" with nearly 4,<> luminous spots that can be integrated with VR and other technologies to carry this scene. One notable detail is that that night, after the athletes came to the Great Lawn to receive cheers and greetings, they did not follow the usual practice of immediately leaving the ceremony, but stayed in the stadium to sing, dance, or take photos with actors, mascots, and various animal models.

Sha Xiaolan, chief director of the closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, introduced that these minutes are a "happy time" specially reserved for athletes at the closing ceremony. "We hope to create a harmonious, happy and relaxed atmosphere for everyone, and at the same time, there are people, animals and flowers in this lawn, which is a picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and embodies the community of human destiny, which is the 'harmonious culture' we want to express."

On the evening of October 10, the closing ceremony of the 8th Asian Games in Hangzhou was held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. The picture shows the cauldron extinguishing ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou. Photo by reporter Luo Yunfei

The third is to say goodbye.

In the past half a month, people have gathered in Hangzhou. By the pool, Zhang Yufei and Chijiang Lihuazi, who came back from the disease, hugged and cried; After the women's 54kg final, North Korean, Chinese, Indian and Uzbek athletes from North Korea, China, India and Uzbekistan hugged each other on the podium; In the <>,<>-meter track and field arena, tens of thousands of spectators encouraged the last athlete to finish the race with applause... As the first Asian Games held after WHO declared that the new crown epidemic no longer constitutes a "public health emergency of international concern", the Hangzhou Asian Games conveyed the true meaning of people's reunion and mutual friendship with countless moving images.

The event has an end, and the most difficult thing is to part. The closing ceremony of the evening interpreted the "ancient for modern use" of China's excellent traditional culture - the program "Symbiosis of Lotus and Gui" interpreted the farewell feelings of Chinese passed down for thousands of years, conveying the timeless friendship of "climbing flowers and giving friends" and the beautiful vision of "symbiosis between Lotus and Gui"; Interpreting the "warm expression" of modern scientific and technological means - the digital torchbearer "Tide Maker", which gathered more than 1 million "online torchbearers", stopped twice to look back after the Asian Games flame was extinguished, and said goodbye...

From the largest, most numerous projects and most extensive Asian Games in the history of the Asian Games, to the concept of "green, intelligent, thrifty and civilized"; From the mascot "Jiangnan Yi", the torch "Fireworks", the medal "Hushan", to the 54 Asian Games venues with different cultural characteristics... The flame of the Hangzhou Asian Games has been extinguished, but the spirit of the Asian Games has been passed on, and the "Hangzhou memory" in the history of the Asian Games has been permanently engraved.

On this night, people say "goodbye" in Hangzhou; This night, "the most remembered is Hangzhou". (End)