Teller Report

Reveals: Here are Putin's five spies – whom Sweden expelled

10/4/2023, 3:51:08 AM

Highlights: Reveals: Here are Putin's five spies – whom Sweden expelled. They worked under diplomatic cover – but were in fact Putin's spies. Now Uppdrag granskning can reveal the names of the five Russian agents who were expelled from Sweden in April. All names are among the 21 intelligence officers revealed in the investigative series "The Shadow War" The individuals pose a threat to Sweden, according to the Swedish Security Service. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs does not want to go into why all of them are not deported.

They worked under diplomatic cover – but were in fact Putin's spies. Now Uppdrag granskning can reveal the names of the five Russian agents who were expelled from Sweden in April. All names are among the 21 intelligence officers revealed in the investigative series "The Shadow War".

Last spring, with the help of leaked databases, Uppdrag granskning was able to reveal the identities of 21 Russian intelligence officers who act, or acted, under diplomatic cover at the Russian embassy in Stockholm. The survey showed their links to the Russian foreign intelligence services SVR and GRU or the FSB. The individuals pose a threat to Sweden, according to the Swedish Security Service.

Watch the full report: Putin's spies in Sweden

'Malicious activity'

"It should be clear that this is Russia's intelligence capacity that is being placed in Sweden to conduct illegal activities against Sweden. In other words, harmful activities against Sweden, said Daniel Stenling, head of counterintelligence SÄPO in the series "The Shadow War", which was made by SVT, DR, NRK and Yle.

Here are Putin's spies in Sweden – see more here

On the list of suspected Russian spies published by Uppdrag granskning, 13 out of 21 were active in Sweden at the time. The day before the revelation, five of the people on the list were expelled. All were diplomats at the Russian Embassy in Sweden.

"Their activities on our territory have in various ways been and are incompatible with their status as diplomats," Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) told SVT at the time.

So far, the identities of the five expelled Russian diplomats have been unknown. Now, with the help of information from secret sources, Uppdrag granskning can reveal who they are.

Start the clip above to see the five Russian spies expelled

Seven people remain active

In addition to the five deportees, SVR officer Sergei Mikhalev also left Sweden in connection with the publication of "The Shadow War". According to sources, he was responsible for security and counterintelligence at the Russian embassy in Stockholm, but was not deported. Of the 13 active suspected spies that SVT revealed, seven people remain who are still active at the Russian embassy in Sweden.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not want to comment

Uppdrag granskning has sought Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M), who declined an interview. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs does not want to go into why all of them are not deported, they reply in email: "We do not comment on questions about foreign intelligence activities in Sweden due to secrecy."

Russia responded to the Swedish expulsions by expelling five diplomats from the Swedish embassy in Moscow. In addition, the Swedish consulate in St. Petersburg and the Russian consulate in Gothenburg were shut down.

We have also sought Russia's ambassador to Sweden, who has not returned.