Teller Report

What to do Ieyasu Public viewing in Odawara

10/2/2023, 3:40:37 AM

Highlights: On the night of the 1st, the taiga drama "Doru Ieyasu" was broadcast, and along with the stage of Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, public view-in in the city. The public viewing was held in an underground shopping mall, and about 50 people gathered. Episode 37, which depicts the attack on Odawaras and the appointment of Okubo as the new castle owner, was shown on a large screen. After the screening, Mr. Kote took the stage again and recalled, "Tadayo died shortly after being entrusted with the role"

[NHK] On the night of the 1st, the taiga drama "Doru Ieyasu" was broadcast, and along with the stage of Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, public view-in in the city ...

On the night of the 1st, a public viewing was held in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture in conjunction with the Taiga drama "Doru Ieyasu" that was broadcast on the night of the <>st, and actor Shinya Kote, who played Ieyasu's retainer, also participated.

The public viewing was held in an underground shopping mall near Odawara Station, and about 50 people gathered.

Prior to the broadcast, Shinya Kote, who played Ieyasu's vassal Tadayo Okubo, Jun Suwama, director of the castle tower of Odawara Castle, and the person in charge of the drama's production participated in a talk event, where Kote talked about the charm of Okubo and the origin of the flag-pointing object made to resemble the wings of a chou.

Episode 37, which depicts the attack on Odawara and the appointment of Okubo as the new castle owner, was shown on a large screen.

After the screening, Mr. Kote took the stage again and recalled, "Tadayo died shortly after being entrusted with the role of Odawara Castle.

A woman in her 70s in the city said, "I was very moved, and I hope that everyone will come to Odawara because of the great river."

A woman in her 50s, both from Ishikawa and Hyogo prefectures, said, "I really enjoyed Mr. Kote's visit, and it was a time when I could understand why Tadayo Okubo is called a 'colored man.'"