Teller Report

Liuzhou, Guangxi staged the "Water Carnival" Law enforcers guard the clear water and waves at the "doorstep"

10/2/2023, 4:10:37 AM

Highlights: Liuzhou, Guangxi staged the "Water Carnival" Law enforcers guard the clear water and waves at the "doorstep" A series of wonderful water sports are carried out on the Liujiang River in Guangxi. Liuzhou Water Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment "does not close" and "guards" the mother river during the holidays. Liu Zongyuan is committed to building a brand of "China's water entertainment and entertainment capital", says Zhang Shenggui.

Liuzhou, 10 October (Zhongxin Net) -- Guangxi Liuzhou staged a "water carnival" in which law enforcers guarded the clear water and clear waves at the "doorstep."

Written by Lin Xin

National Day holiday, Wake (Surfing) Open, City Canoe Competition, Jet Ski Open, Baili Liujiang Passionate Swim... A series of wonderful water sports are carried out on the Liujiang River in Guangxi, attracting Chinese and foreign athletes to participate and share the fun of Liuzhou water sports.

On the 1st, the blue water and blue sky of the Baili Liujiang River reflected each other, beautiful as a picture, and the people watched and played in the water on the riverside. In order to create an international "water carnival", the Liuzhou Water Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Liuzhou Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau "does not close" and "guards" the mother river during the holidays.

On October 10, the Liuzhou water cleaning team salvaged garbage in the Liujiang River. Photo by Lin Xin

On the same day, Liu Changchun, a law enforcement officer of the Liuzhou City Water Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment, and his partner Luo Pengjing drove a law enforcement boat and patrolled everywhere. "During the National Day holiday, our job is mainly to check the water environment of the water cleaning team, ensure that the water environment is clean and tidy, and maintain the order of the relevant waters during the event." Liu Changchun, head of the detachment's ship management group, said.

Liu Changchun's Liuzhou Water Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment concentrated on exercising part of the administrative punishment power of the 72-kilometer waters of the Liujiang River, and undertook the cleaning and management of the waters from the Shuangchong Bridge to Yanghe Bridge in the city. Liu Changchun said: "Liuzhou City held a series of water leisure sports during the National Day holiday, which has strict requirements for the water environment and management, and we dare not breathe a sigh of relief. ”

On October 10, staff of the Liuzhou City Water Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment drove a law enforcement boat to patrol. Photo by Lin Xin

In order to allow tourists to have a better experience of being close to the water when they come to the "Water Carnival", before the National Day, the Liuzhou Water Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment opened the "water, land and air" law enforcement mode such as boat patrol, road surface inspection, and drone inspection, and conducted a "physical examination" on the stubborn urban management diseases such as illegal vegetable fields and random construction along the Liujiang River. Zhang Shenggui, captain of the Water Law Enforcement Brigade of the Liuzhou Water Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment, introduced: "People privately cultivate vegetables and build fishing platforms on the shore, which not only hinders the viewing, but also affects the ecological environment of the Liujiang River. ”

In recent years, the Liuzhou Water Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment has repeatedly cooperated with relevant departments such as public security, maritime affairs, environmental protection, fishery administration and other relevant departments to carry out ecological environment law enforcement and protection, and has successively carried out centralized rectification of cage aquaculture in urban waters, water households, civil fishing vessels, operating vessels, sand mining and sand transportation vessels, sand docks, and "three no" ships.

After a series of rectifications, the ecological environment of Liujiang has continued to improve. In the front-line "river protection" for decades, Luo Pengjing has witnessed the transformation of the Liujiang River. "In the past, the water plant directly discharged sewage as black as soy sauce into the river, and after remediation, it has become a favorite waterfall attraction for tourists." Luo Pengjing sighed while driving the law enforcement ship.

With the deepening and popularization of law enforcement, the public's awareness has also been raised. "Nowadays, every day we receive many reporting calls, all of which are clues provided by the public such as littering and electric fish, and they spontaneously urge and care for the Liujiang River." Liu Changchun said.

On October 10, staff of the Liuzhou City Water Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment patrolled the Liujiang River. Photo by Lin Xin

Today, Liu Zongyuan's "river curves like nine intestines" is committed to building a city brand of "China's water sports and entertainment capital", and has ranked first in the national surface water assessment cross-sectional water environmental quality for three consecutive years. Zhang Shenggui said: "Every time friends from other places come to Liujiang to play, I feel a sense of accomplishment when I feel that an industrial city is so beautiful. (End)