Teller Report

Johnny's Office changes its name and goes out of business in the future Established a new company and publicly solicited the company name

10/2/2023, 8:40:40 AM

Highlights: Johnny's Office held a press conference in Tokyo on the 2nd regarding the issue of sexual assault of Mr. Johnny Kitagawa. President Noriyuki Higashiyama changed the current company name to "SMILE-UP." and announced that the company would close down in the future after compensating the victims. In addition, we will establish a new company to manage talent, etc., and the company name will be publicly recruited through a fan club. This will eliminate the name of Janney, the former president and founder.

【NHK】Johnny's Office held a press conference in Tokyo on the 2nd regarding the issue of sexual assault of Mr. Johnny Kitagawa, and President Noriyuki Higashiyama said that the current company name is "SMILE-UP....

In response to the issue of Johnny Kitagawa's sexual assault, Johnny's Office held a press conference in Tokyo on the 2nd, and President Noriyuki Higashiyama changed the current company name to "SMILE-UP." and announced that the company would close down in the future after compensating the victims. In addition, we will establish a new company to manage talent, etc., and the company name will be publicly recruited through a fan club.

In response to the sexual assault issue of Mr. Janie Kitagawa, who died four years ago, Johnny's Office held a press conference in Tokyo on September 4, following on September 9.

President Noriyuki Higashiyama apologized to the victims once again and stated, "We will dismantle Johnny's Office by ourselves and carve out a future with our fans while sincerely facing the victims."

On top of that, the current company name "Johnny's Office" was announced as "SMILE-UP." on October 7. and clarified that this company will be responsible for compensating the victims.

Mr. Higashiyama stated, "I would like to provide compensation, relief, and psychological care to those who have been affected and are still suffering, even if it takes time."

He also revealed his intention to change the names of his groups and affiliates with the name "Johnny's."

This will eliminate the name of Janney, the former president and founder.

Furthermore, regarding the future of the current office, Mr. Higashiyama said, "We will properly compensate the victims to the end and close the business," and clarified that it will close in the future.

On the other hand, we announced that we will establish a new company to manage talent within about a month, with Mr. Higashiyama as president and Mr. Katsuhiko Inohara as vice president.

As for the company name, it means that it will be publicly recruited by the fan club.

In addition, Julie Fujishima, the former president of the firm, will not invest in the new company and will not serve as a director.

In addition, Mr. Higashiyama indicated that 2 people have applied to the compensation reception desk so far, and 10 people have reported damage and are seeking compensation, and that compensation will start in November.

In addition, during the press conference, Mr. Inohara read out a letter from the former president, Mr. Julie.

In it, Julie apologized, saying, "I would like to apologize once again to those who were affected," and explained that she would remain a 17% shareholder of the current company, "because I heard that if other shareholders entered, it would be virtually impossible to provide relief beyond the law."

The press conference lasted more than two hours as scheduled, and at the end of the conference, Mr. Higashiyama said that he would like to explain again if there is anything that can be reported in the future.

Fans and people in the city

I heard about the press conference of Johnny's Office in Shibuya, Tokyo.

A high school girl who is a fan of her group said, "It's sad that the company name is changing, but as a fan, I have mixed feelings because I know that some people have a hard time because of this name.

In addition, a male office worker in his 30s said, "I am familiar with the name 'Johnny's', so it feels strange, but I think it is a good decision in terms of making amends for what I have done."

A woman in her 40s said, "It's important to change the contents, not whether the name will change."