Teller Report

Guangdong Shantou's "Double Festival" Chaoshan Tour is Hot, and overseas villagers have strong family affection

10/2/2023, 11:11:27 AM

Highlights: During the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day "Double Festival" holiday, Guangdong Shantou held the "New Trend 'Shanto' Tour, Dancing Era" parade activity. The traditional folk dances of Chaoshan such as English song and dance, centipede dance, double dragon dance, unicorn dance, and lobster dance as folk culture parades show the profound and unique cultural heritage of the Chaosha area. The reporter interviewed on the 1st and found that among the tourists who felt the beauty of chaoshan traditional culture and the vitality of Shantou's characteristic industries.

Shantou, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- Guangdong's "Double Festival" Chaoshan Tour is Hot, and overseas villagers have strong family affection

China News Agency reporter Li Yiqing

During the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day "Double Festival" holiday, Guangdong Shantou held the "New Trend 'Shanto' Tour, Dancing Era" parade activity, Chaoshan non-genetic inheritance skills display interactive points, traditional food interactive points crowded with tourists, "Chao" Shantou full of flavor, the scene is hot. The reporter interviewed on the 1st and found that among the tourists who felt the beauty of Chaoshan traditional culture and the vitality of Shantou's characteristic industries, there were many Chaoshan villagers from overseas.

"I am very happy to return to Shantou again and see the rapid changes in my hometown." Zhang Qinwei, president of the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce in the United Arab Emirates, told reporters at the scene on the 1st that seeing these Chaoshan intangible cultural heritage items, especially English songs and dances, he experienced the spirit of Chaoshan people daring to be the first and striving for the first. He said that he would unite his efforts to unite overseas Chinese to participate in the construction of his hometown.

On October 10, Shantou Province, Guangdong Province held the "New Wave 'Shantou' Tour, Dancing Era" parade, the picture shows the live performance of English songs and dances of national intangible cultural heritage. Photo by Lin Omori

The live parade consists of 15 floats and 46 performance phalanxes. Among them, the traditional folk dances of Chaoshan such as English song and dance, centipede dance, double dragon dance, unicorn dance, double bite goose dance, and lobster dance as folk culture parades show the profound and unique cultural heritage of the Chaoshan area. In the procession, the English song and dance, known as the "war dance" of China, is particularly eye-catching, consisting of 107 performers dressed as good men of Liangshan with oiled faces, accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums, the members of the team hold the mallet up and down, left and right, rigid and soft, the rhythm is fast, the blood is boiling, but also steady and steady, and the changes are diverse.

The unique seaside lobster dance was created by Chenghai folk artists while watching the lobster dance. In the sound of gongs and drums, two huge "lobsters" 13.8 meters long and 5.6 meters wide dance long shrimp whiskers, simulating the process of lobster swimming, predation, and kissing (i.e. blind dates), or swimming leisurely, or playing with companions, lifelike.

On October 10st, Shantou Guangdong held the "New Wave 'Shantou' Tour, Dancing Era" parade, the picture shows the traditional Qilin dance performance of Shantou folk. Photo by Lin Omori

The parade adopts the traditional Chaoshan flag - a rectangular colored satin flag 4 meters wide and 1.2 meters high, the lower edge of the flag is decorated with colorful spikelets, and the flag adopts traditional Chaoshan embroidered flowers, birds, landscapes, unicorns, dragons and phoenixes and other auspicious patterns and beautiful blessings such as "Fuhai Shoushan", "Celebrating with the Heavens", "Rising Peace in the Four Seas", "Harvesting the Five Grains" and "Peace in the Harmony Realm".

Guo Rongrong, a representative of Australia's young overseas Chinese, said that he was very happy to see these performances with unique Chaoshan characteristics, and hoped that we could build the future of Shantou together and inherit Chaoshan culture.

At the interactive point of Chaoshan intangible cultural heritage inheritance skills, Chaoyang paper-cutting, inlaid porcelain, Shantou egg carving, bottle painting (also known as Guangdong inner painting), Chaozhou wood carving, Chaozhou embroidery and other intangible cultural heritage items were displayed to tourists at close range, and many citizens and tourists took photos and watched. Ms. Ding, a tourist from Chongqing, said that there are many types of these Chaoshan intangible cultural heritage works, which are very exquisite, and she is ready to buy some for friends.

Chaoshan traditional food interaction points gathered marinated goose, fish book, Shantou Dading beef miscellaneous, Chao-style kueh products, Laoshan He pig's head dumplings, duck mother twist, Shantou beef meatballs, etc., and many non-genetic inheritors of gourmet food also showed and explained on site.

Fang Junhong, executive president of the Canadian Teochew Community Association, said that he will often publicize the changes and policy advantages of his hometown, and many people return to their hometown to invest and start a business, which feels very kind. These traditional Chaoshan intangible cultural heritage cultures are precious and make everyone proud. (End)