Teller Report

Damaged and abandoned the body of a 70-year-old man acquaintance Damaged during the absence of relatives Hiroshima

10/2/2023, 4:51:23 AM

Highlights: Damaged and abandoned the body of a 70-year-old man acquaintance Damaged during the absence of relatives Hiroshima. Police are investigating the alleged abandonment in an attempt to avoid detection. Some of the bodies and the murder weapon are believed to have been buried in the residential grounds, but they have not been found, so the police have been investigating the scene in detail since the morning of the 70nd. The police believe that he abandoned the property and tried to avoided detection, and will also investigate the details of how Mr. Ueki died.

【NHK】A 31-year-old part-time employee in Saeki Ward, Hiroshima City, damaged the body of a 70-year-old man he knew at a relative's house and dumped part of it in the sea ...

In the case of a 31-year-old part-time employee in Saiki Ward, Hiroshima City, who was arrested for damaging the body of a 70-year-old man he knew at a relative's house and dumping part of it in the sea, etc., an interview with the police revealed that the damage to the body seems to have occurred while the relatives were absent. Police are investigating the alleged abandonment in an attempt to avoid detection.

Daichi Watanabe, a 31-year-old part-time employee of Saiki Ward, Hiroshima City, was arrested on suspicion of damaging the body of his acquaintance and security guard Hidetoshi Ueki (10) at his grandmother's house in Saiki Ward in October and dumping part of it in the sea.

Some of the bodies and the murder weapon are believed to have been buried in the residential grounds, but they have not been found, so the police have been investigating the scene in detail since the morning of the 70nd.

Watanabe frequently visited his grandmother's home and interviewed the police revealed that he apparently damaged her body while she was away.

The police believe that he abandoned the property and tried to avoid detection, and will also investigate the details of how Mr. Ueki died.