Teller Report

City investigates "deer in Nara Park are weak because they are not fed enough" report

10/2/2023, 9:30:40 AM

Highlights: City investigates "deer in Nara Park are weak because they are not fed enough" report. The governing body of the facility counters that it is "feeding well" The city will conduct a survey on the 3rd to investigate the breeding situation and sanitary conditions of the deer. The Nara Deer Protection Association has been commissioned by Nara Prefecture to engage in deer conservation activities in the area. The association says it treats the deer housed in the "special fence" with compassion.

【NHK】A veterinarian has reported to Nara City that deer are weakened due to insufficient food at a facility in Nara Park. The governing body of the facility is ...

A veterinarian reported to Nara City that the deer were not adequately fed and were weakened at a facility in Nara Park. The facility's governing body counters that it is "feeding well," and the city will conduct an investigation on the third day.

The Nara Deer Protection Association, which has been commissioned by Nara Prefecture to engage in deer conservation activities living in Nara Park and other areas, houses deer that harm people or destroy neighboring crops in a place surrounded by a fence called a "special fence" at the shelter "Shikaen" operated in the park.

According to Nara City, on the 19th of last month, a veterinarian dedicated to the welfare association reported that "the deer are weakened because they are not given sufficient food at the 'special fence' and it is animal cruelty."

According to the report, more than 70 males and females die every year because they are given cheaper food than usual at the "special fence" and the amount is not enough.

In response, the association said, "Since the deer that are interned, especially male deer, do not usually live in groups, they may be more susceptible to stress in group life than females," and "The members of the association treat the deer housed in the 'special fence' with compassion by feeding them well and cleaning them. It's out of my mind to be called abuse."

After receiving the report, the city will conduct a field survey with another veterinarian on the 3rd to investigate the breeding situation and sanitary conditions.

Shigeo Suzumura, director of the Nara City Public Health Center, said, "Nara is a deer and a valuable protected animal, so we would like to consider the impact on culture, tourism, and citizens, and take action as soon as possible and not be hasty."