Teller Report

(Ba Min Qianzi) "The Hometown of Chinese Lantern Riddles" mystery art out of the circle at home and abroad

10/2/2023, 5:11:48 AM

Highlights: Zhangzhou Lantern Riddle Art Museum is located in Zhangzhou City, the "hometown of Chinese lantern riddle art" The museum is a place frequented by Taiwan visiting delegations and Taiwan compatriots. The museum hung more than a dozen Taiwan-themed lantern riddles to enigma friends and attract the attention of local mysterious friends. The riddle of "the state of tropical cyclones in Fujian" is a cross-strait cultural word, and the mystery is "Fujian and Taiwan style"

Zhangzhou, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- The mystery art of "the hometown of Chinese lanterns" has been circled at home and abroad

Written by Zhang Jinchuan Liao Zhenmei

The riddle of "the state of tropical cyclones in Fujian" is a cross-strait cultural word, and the mystery is "Fujian and Taiwan style"...

Coinciding with the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday, the Zhangzhou Lantern Riddle Art Museum in the ancient city of Zhangzhou, Fujian Province is full of visitors. Standing in front of one lantern riddle after another, Lian Zhongjia, secretary general of Zhangzhou Lantern Enigma Association, explained to the visitors in detail the methods and skills of guessing lantern riddles, and uncovered the riddles one by one.

Recently, the Taiwan-related theme lantern riddles of the Fujian Zhangzhou Lantern Riddle Art Museum have attracted public attention. Photo by Zhang Bin, reporter of China News Agency

Zhangzhou Lantern Riddle Art Museum is located in Zhangzhou City, the "hometown of Chinese lantern riddle art", and is called "the first museum of Chinese lantern riddles" by mysteries at home and abroad. The historical ancient books, puzzles, calligraphy and paintings, seals, inscriptions and other lantern riddle cultural relics in the museum all confirm the long history of Chinese lantern riddle art.

According to Lian Zhongjia, cross-strait mysterious exchanges have become more frequent this year. In response to the voices of all walks of life, the museum hung more than a dozen Taiwan-themed lantern riddles to enigma friends and attract the attention of local mysterious friends and Taiwan compatriots.

"The place names, anagrams, poems, and so on in the lantern riddles are all-encompassing, and they are familiar to the people on both sides of the strait, and they can very resonate and interest the Taiwan compatriots." Lian Zhongjia told a reporter from the China News Agency that the museum is a place frequented by Taiwan visiting delegations and Taiwan compatriots, and he often sees Taiwan compatriots stopping here to guess and linger.

Recently, people guessed lantern riddles at the Zhangzhou Lantern Riddle Art Museum. Photo by Zhang Bin, reporter of China News Agency

Lian Zhongjia has been exposed to lantern riddles since he was a child, and many of the Taiwan-themed lantern riddles were created by him. "Creation is not only a hobby, but also an expectation for the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait." He said.

Zhangzhou lantern riddles have a long history, starting from the Tang Dynasty and flourishing in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and have been listed as an extension project of intangible cultural heritage in Fujian Province. Zhangtai, which is only separated by a sea, have similar customs and cultures, and the lantern riddle culture has become a bridge for cross-strait people-to-people exchanges.

In 1989, the first Zhangzhou Chinese Lantern Riddle Art Festival was held in Qiancheng District, and 14 Taiwanese mystery friends from Taipei, Kaohsiung and Tainan organized a group to come to Zhangzhou for cultural exchanges for the first time. Since then, Zhangtai Lantern Riddle has frequently exchanged and visited each other, witnessing the family on both sides of the strait.

In May this year, the 5th Zhangzhou Sub-forum of the People's Forum of the Straits with the theme of "Enigma Art as a Medium for Affection Across the Straits" was held in Qiancheng District.

Recently, the public visited the Zhangzhou Lantern Riddle Art Museum. Photo by Zhang Bin, reporter of China News Agency

In the Zhangzhou Lantern Riddle Art Museum, the 3-meter-long and 1.5-meter-wide stone mural "Spring Lantern Source Flow Map" was donated by the Kaohsiung City Enigma Research Association in Taiwan, which attracted people's attention. In 1993, the Zhangzhou Lantern Riddle Association and the Kaohsiung Enigma Research Association formed a sisterhood friendship society, and the following year, they jointly established the first lantern riddle foundation in the history of Chinese enigma - Kaohsiung Zhangzhou Wenhu Foundation to recognize people at home and abroad who have made outstanding contributions to the mystery.

"In the exchange with Taiwan's mysterious circle, I left many precious objects and good stories to witness the warm exchanges between the two sides of the strait." Lu Weifeng, deputy director of the Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Qiancheng District, said that lantern riddles are an excellent communication link and irreplaceable; In the future, there will be more riddle works with Taiwan-related themes, pinning the people's expectations for the integrated development of the two sides of the strait.

Lantern riddles are not only prevalent on both sides of the strait, but also in places where there are Chinese in the world, such as Thailand, Singapore, the United States, New Zealand and other places. Lo Weifeng said that Singapore holds the "Spring to Riverside" lantern riddle event every Lantern Festival for more than ten days; Chinese students in the United States and Canada also organized the "Youzi Puzzle Club", which is famous on the Internet.

Nowadays, with the acceleration of Chinese culture "going to sea", Zhangzhou Lantern Riddle has become increasingly frequent with Taiwan's foreign exchange activities, and it is constantly going out at home and abroad. (End)