Teller Report

"Care for Tibetan Baby": Shanxi Jincheng Hospital performs orthopedic surgery for children with scoliosis

10/2/2023, 8:21:25 AM

Highlights: "Care for Tibetan Baby" is a program to provide free medical care to children in need. The program is run by the Chinese government-in-exile in Beijing. It provides free care for children with life-threatening conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke. It also provides free treatment for children who have been diagnosed with congenital defects, such as congenital heart disease and congenital adrenal insufficiency. It is also a way for parents to make sure their children get the care they need.

Taiyuan, October 10 (Zhongxin Net) -- On October 1, Laze (pseudonym) and Mei Duo (pseudonym) from Tibet spent a special National Day in Jincheng, Shanxi Province.

Razer, 6, and Meiduo, 15, are beneficiaries of the "Care for Tibetan Baby" children's medical aid program, a public welfare project in the field of children's health care in the western region. Initiated by the Rewa Charity Association of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province, the project cooperates with health, education, medical and public welfare charitable organizations to provide professional, efficient and timely medical assistance and treatment cost support for adolescents and children from disadvantaged families under the age of 25 in the western region.

On the evening of September 9, two Tibetan girls came to the orthopedic department of Jincheng University Hospital from Shigatse City, Tibet, for scoliosis. Due to the language and cultural differences of the children and their young age, special attention was given to the medical staff.

Cui Zhongning, director of the orthopedic department of spine of the hospital, introduced that La is idiopathic scoliosis, younger age, lighter weight, and poorer physical fitness than children of the same age, and due to long-term highland living environment, heart and lung and other organs develop deformities, and cardiopulmonary function is poor; Mei Duo had scoliosis due to neurofibromatosis, and her epiphysis was close to closing when she was admitted to the hospital.

The hospital is performing surgery on the patient. Photo by Zhang Jingang

In order to make the operation go smoothly, the orthopedic team made a variety of solutions to all possible perioperative risks through preoperative assessment, expert guidance, and multidisciplinary MDT discussion. On September 9, the hospital performed internal fixation of growth rods for idiopathic scoliosis Lenke23CN deformity correction; On September 3, Lenke9BN deformity correction and interlaminar bone graft fusion were carried out for Meiduo.

At present, the young patients have been smoothly transferred from the ICU to the general ward and entered the recovery stage.

Xue Weimin, secretary of the party committee and president of Jincheng University Hospital, said that he will continue to participate in the "Care for Tibetan Children" children's medical assistance project, and since September 9, two doctors from the hospital have gone to Nyima County, Nagqu City, Tibet Autonomous Region, to carry out free medical screening for local children, and the hospital will work side by side with the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Rewa Charity Association to rescue children in need. (End)