Teller Report

Eduard Pujol, the deputy of Junts who votes 'yes' to the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo

9/29/2023, 1:00:41 PM

Highlights: Eduard Pujol, the deputy of Junts who votes 'yes' to the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Emulating the anecdote starring last Wednesday by the socialist deputy Herminio Rufino Sancho, who voted yes by mistake. The president of the Lower House, Francina Armengol, has decided to subtract it from the calculation in favor and has considered it null, contrary to what happened with Sancho who by an error when pronouncing his surname from the Table was allowed the requested rectification.

Emulating the anecdote starring last Wednesday by the socialist deputy Herminio Rufino Sancho, who voted yes by mistake to the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the...

  • Direct Investiture of Feijóo
  • Investiture The Congress rejects Feijóo and opens the way to the attempt of Sánchez with the independence movement, which demands referendum and amnesty

Emulating the anecdote starring last Wednesday by the socialist deputy Herminio Rufino Sancho, who voted yes by mistake to the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, this Friday's session in Congress has had the representative of Junts Eduard Pujol as an involuntary protagonist for a similar scene.

The post-convergence parliamentarian has pronounced a yes to the candidacy of the leader of the PP that he then wanted to rectify with a negative response.

The president of the Lower House, Francina Armengol, despite the protests of Pujol, has decided to subtract it from the calculation in favor and has considered it null, contrary to what happened with Sancho, who by an error when pronouncing his surname from the Table was allowed the requested rectification.

  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • PP