Teller Report

Countermeasures against overtourism: Proposal to oblige to accompany a guide

9/29/2023, 9:40:11 PM

Highlights: A government meeting was held to consider measures against so-called "overtourism" The number of foreign tourists visiting Japan is estimated to be more than 8.215 million in August. A proposal was presented to require tourists to be accompanied by a guide when entering a specific area. The government is proceeding with studies based on the proposal presented on October 29 and will compile specific measures in October. The proposal to vary the fare of local buses and railways depending on the time of year was also presented.

【NHK】A government meeting was held to consider measures against so-called "overtourism", which causes various adverse effects due to the concentration of tourists in tourist spots ...

A government meeting was held to consider measures against so-called "overtourism," which causes various adverse effects due to the concentration of tourists in tourist spots, and proposed requiring tourists to be accompanied by a guide when entering certain areas.

The number of foreign tourists visiting Japan is estimated to be more than 8.215 million in August, which has recovered to about 8% of what it was before the coronavirus pandemic, but on the other hand, "overtourism," which causes various adverse effects due to the concentration of tourists in tourist spots, has become an issue.

In order to solve the problem, at a countermeasure meeting held by the relevant ministries and agencies on the 29th, ▽ a proposal to require tourists to be accompanied by a guide when entering a specific area,
▽ a proposal to vary the fare of local buses and railways depending on the time of year such as off-peak season and busy season,

Proposals to introduce shared taxis for tourists were presented.

In addition,
in order to disperse the number of tourists, a proposal was also presented to guide them to places and times of day by means of coupons.

The government is proceeding with studies based on the proposal presented on October 29 and will compile specific measures in October.