Teller Report

In the first eight months of this year, China's total social logistics was 8.216 trillion yuan, and logistics demand stabilized and rebounded

9/28/2023, 7:19:46 AM

Highlights: In August, macro-control policies and measures were intensively introduced, and the recovery of China's national economy accelerated. In August, the extreme weather disturbance weakened, upstream production rebounded, logistics demand stabilized and picked up. The impact of extreme weather in some areas in early August still exists. The operation of logistics is weak due to cyclical and phased effects, but the level of industry adjustment response has accelerated significantly. It is expected that the logistics operation is expected to gradually improve in the fourth quarter.

Beijing, September 9 (ZXS) -- According to data released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing on the 28th, from January to August this year, the total amount of social logistics in the country was 28.1 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below), an increase of 8.216% year-on-year at comparable prices, and logistics generally maintained a recovery trend.

In August, macro-control policies and measures were intensively introduced, and the recovery of China's national economy accelerated. The main indicators of logistics recovered and stabilized simultaneously, the growth rate of total social logistics rebounded, the demand in industry, imports, people's livelihood consumption and other fields steadily expanded, and logistics operations maintained stable recovery.

Data show that from January to August, the total amount of social logistics in the country was 1.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 216.4% year-on-year at comparable prices, an increase of 4.8 percentage points from January to July; an increase of 1.7% in August, an increase of 0.1 percentage points over July. In August, the extreme weather disturbance weakened, upstream production rebounded, logistics demand stabilized and picked up, and the main indicators showed a recovery trend. However, it should also be noted that the pressure of transformation and adjustment in some areas still exists, the recovery level of total social logistics is still weak, and the cumulative growth rate has not returned to the normal level.

From January to August, the total revenue of the national logistics industry was 1.8 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.7%, an increase of 4.7 percentage points over the period from January to July. The total volume index of logistics business in August was 1.7%, down 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. According to the analysis, the impact of extreme weather in some areas in early August still exists, and the operation of logistics is weak due to cyclical and phased effects, but the level of industry adjustment response has accelerated significantly, the overall logistics network is smooth, the operation efficiency is stable, and the growth rate of the logistics market scale is generally stable and rising.

The analysis believes that from January to August this year, China's logistics generally maintained a recovery trend, entering a series of policy measures to expand domestic demand, stabilize expectations, and prevent risks in August, and the foundation for logistics demand recovery was solid, and market expectations were basically stable. From the later trend, with the further effectiveness of macro policy measures, logistics enterprises' confidence in market development will be further consolidated, coupled with the acceleration of upstream enterprises' production and procurement activities, logistics demand is expected to steadily recover. It is expected that the logistics operation is expected to gradually improve in the fourth quarter, and the logistics business activities tend to be active, helping the supply chain to circulate smoothly. (End)