Teller Report

Yolanda Castaño, National Poetry Prize 2023 for her work 'Materia'

9/27/2023, 1:50:44 PM

Highlights: Yolanda Castaño has been awarded the National Poetry Prize, corresponding to the year 2023, for her work 'Materia' The prize, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Sport, is endowed with 30,000 euros. The jury has highlighted his work "for the powerful poetic proposal in which each state of matter is expressed in its own tone, with poems of a painful and original metaphysics" The jury was chaired by the Director General of Book, Comics and Reading María José Gálvez Salvador.

Yolanda Castaño has been awarded the National Poetry Prize, corresponding to the year 2023, for her work 'Materia', at the proposal of the jury gathered this 27...

Yolanda Castaño has been awarded the National Poetry Prize, corresponding to the year 2023, for her work 'Materia', at the proposal of the jury meeting on September 27. The prize, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Sport, is endowed with 30,000 euros.

The jury has highlighted his work "for the powerful poetic proposal in which each state of matter is expressed in its own tone, with poems of a painful and original metaphysics, which points both to the avant-garde and to the origin with an extraordinary evocative and sensory force".

Likewise, the jury highlighted that "in 'Materia', Yolanda Castaño shows us a metaphorical poetry that dialogues with personal and collective memory and, at the same time, direct, radical and feminist. It explores, in a non-complacent way, themes such as motherhood, family and customs and manages to take reality out of its usual nebula to concretize it in linguistic matters, highlighting the verbal and rhythmic game that questions the established.

The jury was chaired by the Director General of Book, Comics and Reading of the Ministry of Culture and Sports María José Gálvez Salvador; while as vice president has acted the deputy director general of Promotion of Books, Reading and Spanish Letters, Jesús González González.

As members have acted Ana Romaní Blanco, proposed by the Royal Galician Academy / Royal Galician Academy; José Manuel López Gaseni, from the Royal Academy of the Basque Language/Euskaltzaindia; Víctor Obiols Llandric, from the Institute of Catalan Studies/Institut d'Estudis Catalans; and Àngel Vicent Calpe Climent, for the Academia Valenciana de la Lengua/Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.

Also included are José Francisco Asís Montero Reguera, for the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE); Rosa Romojaro Montero, by the Spanish Association of Literary Critics; Cristina de Alzaga Fraguas, for the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain (FAPE); Alicia Aza Campos, by the Collegiate Association of Writers of Spain (ACE); Rosa María García Rayego, from the Institute of Feminist Research of the Complutense University of Madrid; Ernesto Peréz Zúñiga, for the Ministry of Culture and Sports and Aurora Luque Ortiz, awarded in the 2022 call.

  • literature
  • poetry