Teller Report

The spokesman of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong warned the United States and Britain to immediately stop the political manipulation that interfered in Hong Kong's judiciary

9/27/2023, 6:30:03 AM

Highlights: The spokesman of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong warned the United States and Britain to immediately stop the political manipulation. The spokesman said that the core essence of the rule of law is that laws must be followed, law enforcement must be strict, and violations of the law must be prosecuted. The HKSAR government's pursuit of responsibility for Jimmy Lai and his ilk in accordance with the law is a necessary move to prevent risks and hidden dangers endangering national security.

According to the website of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, in response to the US State Department and a small number of politicians in the United States and Britain arbitrarily discussing the judicial case of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, openly supporting Jimmy Lai, an anti-China and destabilizing element, and maliciously slandering the Hong Kong National Security Law, the spokesman of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition, and warned external forces to immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs!

The spokesman said that the core essence of the rule of law is that laws must be followed, law enforcement must be strict, and violations of the law must be prosecuted. As the planner and instigator of the anti-China and chaotic incident in Hong Kong, as well as the "agent" and "pawn" of the anti-China forces in the United States and the West, Jimmy Lai has taken advantage of foreigners and self-respect, committed numerous evil deeds, and used everything to the extreme, ignoring the fundamental interests of more than 7 million Hong Kong citizens, undermining the political system, spreading separatist remarks, begging for foreign sanctions, and flaunting the crime of collusion at home and abroad. The HKSAR government's pursuit of responsibility for Jimmy Lai and his ilk in accordance with the law is a necessary move to prevent risks and hidden dangers endangering national security, an inevitable move to safeguard the authority of the Hong Kong National Security Law, and a necessary move to ensure the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong society.

The spokesman pointed out that Hong Kong's Basic Law and National Security Law clearly guarantee a wide range of rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong citizens in accordance with the law, including freedom of speech and the press. However, freedom of rights is not a "shield" for breaking the law and committing crimes, and no one has the privilege of being above the law. Unwilling to give up the agents they have nurtured, certain countries jump out every once in a while to excuse Jimmy Lai, glorify and package the culprits who organized, plotted, and participated in the Hong Kong version of the "color revolution" as "democracy fighters," and whitewashed their remarks inciting "independence" and subverting the regime as "freedom movements," fully exposing their sinister intentions of colluding with anti-China and destabilizing elements to undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability and "use Hong Kong to contain China"!

The spokesman stressed that anyone who violates the red line of the law will not escape justice, any act that threatens national sovereignty, security and development interests will be difficult to succeed, and any attempt to interfere and intervene will be futile. Jimmy Lai and his ilk have long been firmly nailed to the pillar of shame for betraying the motherland and the people, and they must be duly punished and will be judged by the law. We urge the US side and a small number of politicians to earnestly respect the spirit of the rule of law, immediately stop the futile act of shielding and beautifying lawbreakers and criminals, and immediately stop interfering in the vicious acts of undermining the judicial system of the SAR!